Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -AztecKiller-, May 19, 2013.

  1. HOW am i suppose to know if my allie is over priced IS THERE SOME KIND OF FORMULA TO CALCULATE OR SOMETHING
  2. Look at his stats...
  3. If u have 300k Cs an ur like 300b ur over priced, ur overpriced a little.
  4. Under priced*
  5. I'm more interested in how active they are, not so much the price.

    Though you can always do a quick comparison through the ally list.
  6. Well if ur price compares to mine and have the same stats ur not that over priced
  7. ^very very overpriced
  8. You get to know what's over and underpriced over time, by seeing what gets hired, and just by scrolling through ally lists at different prices to see what kind of stats there are.
  9. Its only underpriced to the point you wont buy it back.
  10. I've noticed stats of active players at certain prices are dropping, but it tends to do that over time. Inactives are remaining fairly constant though.

    All you can really do is compare that ally to others at that price.
  11. -.- use your intuition
  12. Over priced ally's won't be hired away fast this you won't have to keep buying a new one, good ally's with extremely good stats will go fast
  13. Just a FYI here: If you are going to buy inactive players, try to stick with pro banners. Those don't get deleted from the game. Non-pro banner players get deleted after a certain length of inactivity.

    That is, unless you get into OSW. If that happens buy all the junk allies you want. :D
  14. I'm sorta overpriced...kinda
  15. What a nooblord
  16. Definition of overpriced

    Check my stats and hire price.
  17. That name is so racist. It's like saying "Jewhunter4000"
  18. LMAO^

    But what name?

    But Jewhunter4000.... LOL
  19. 1 mil cs per 50 bil