Other "Controversial" Topics

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Beast-Ninja, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Now that we have a huge debate about religion going in the other thread lets lighten the mood and argue about something more lighthearted like:
    Xbox1 v. PS4
    Pepsi Co. V. Coca Cola Co.
    COD v. Battlefield
    KaW v. CoC
  2. How about...

    EB Fairies Vs. War Vets?
  3. Lets get it started by saying

  4. Xbox
    And KAW for sure, considering I'm playing it right now, and in the forum section
  5. I'm pretty sure the best argument is cocaine vs meth
  6. Good point except you must be exiled for saying Xbox 1
  7. Meth is where it's at
  8. How about we talk about why you should stop making threads?
  9. Oooooo shots fired
  10. How about me vs the rest of u chumps?
  11. Haha unfortunately don't have time to partake in this argument; I wish I did. ;-)