other cf agreement to bh as extreme was unhappy with the old

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -cr-members-lick-windows-, Jan 14, 2015.

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  1. Dear xtreme. I am very sorry for what I said about black hand. You guys have slapped my mothers ass and now you're my dad. I ask that you please cf on me as due to these acts you caused my heat and water to be turned off because of noise complaints.

    "Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba,[a] Father.”

    You are my god and I am your spirit. I do not want to be perm silenced again. I am very sorry that I said I hope BH loses. I will never say this again.

    "Just gonna stand there and watch me burn. Just gonna stand there and hear me cry. Because I like the way it hurts. "

    As terms of cf I will also need to inform all of my family within the next 24 hours that I have leprosy. Thx
  2. Nice post
  3. You agreed to tell that to your family for a cf?
  4. This is stupid

  6. Cf not granted
  7. LMFAO WILLY I nearly died.
  8. Cf granted. I suggest making sure you don't make comments about BH again. 

    Happy KaW'ing
    Ạ̸ÐÐ།ང༒ཛÐ ༒࿃ ངHẠ̸࿃ཧ
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  9. Is this serious?

    Edit: Guess So lmao
  10. That's pathetic.
  11. Wow what did bh do to him yall must of beat that boy up bad
  12. You mean the fact that BH required a thread like this?

  13. Again ? 

    What'd the op say about BH ?

    Just wondering if BH chastised their member for being disrespectful on the last apology thread.
    Making a player apologise twice is a delicate situation, you run the risk of being seen as bullies rather than raising your credibility profile unless the op really deserved it.
  14. I'm hoping that BH didn't actually require this kid to actually say such things in his cf thread, and that op is just extremely weird. But if in fact they did, yes that is pathetic of them, as well as it's pathetic of the op to actually do it.
  15. They got tired of having their asses handed to them by war clans. This is how they get themselves off now .
  16. Totally correct^

    Hit the nail on the head. U r such correct.
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