OSW with a scoreboard

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllOIIlGIllIRlIlllEIllIlSIlllI, May 14, 2013.

  1. So, here's my idea for making the old system war structure relevant again in kaw land. It would require 2 changes:

    1) no more timer, the war goes until one of the original combatant clans forfeits.

    2) clan linking; allow the ability for clans to join/ withdraw from one side of the conflict.

    This is how it would work: clan a and clan b don't like each other, war is declared. The owners of clan a's allied clans could then hit a button on the war page to 'join war' on the side of their friends. Clan b's friends would do the same. A no holds barred slugfest would ensue for a day, a week, a month, a year... However long it took until one side decided they could go no longer and surrendered. Allied clans could join or withdraw as they chose, but any actions against the opponent or the opponents allies would remain in the record. Only one of the two original combatant clans could end the dispute. This would allow for a way for osw to actually have a 'winner' as hits and strips would actually be tabulated and not just argued about by the forum lurkers and no stat alts.

    Have at it forum kids, lets have a good clean discussion about pros and cons of this idea.
  2. Support..i like this alot
  3. Same as a off system war,

    No timer,
    Ends with forfeit and arrangement

    Just do a proper war as they were intended years back
  4. Support!! 
  5. A good idea... SUPPORT!!!
  6. Its not exactly "off-system" with this system. . But support lol
  7. Awesome support
  8. What if an admin of a allied clan hit accept without talking to the owner or council? Owner of the aggressor or defender clan, could send out invites to clans they want to join them in the war once they talk to the clans they want to invite.
  9. @CS-Angus

    Not quite. This would allow you to see how much you have lost, as well as ppl (like philo) who arent in it to see score as well.

    However, if it were possible, I would like to see individual net loss/gain.

    If someone loses 10 bil in a strip, but make back 12 bil, they would have a net gain of 2 bil.
  10. I like the net gain idea.
  11. @worm this I like... I think a lot could be done with this idea. It's up to us to think of ideas!!
  12. @bedlam similarily, it would show losses if you were in the negative. So red for loss, green for gain.
  13. Kind ruins the "Secret" part of it. :(
  14. Why do wars need to be secret? Wouldn't the pride and honor of showing the kaw world how badass you are be worth it?
  15. In osw all you would see is red (loose) on both sides. If you are effective in osw you are using pots etc and loosing them and if you get caught in a big strip each steal will take over a billion a hit. Now if you have 1000 -2000 hits in 4 hours of being off you will never recover that during battle. If you want to make money do eb. You certainly won't make money doing osw not a good one anyway.