OSW Observations in general

Discussion in 'Wars' started by BooooYa, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. Posting this because: 1) I'd like to see if these things are typical or just irritating to me, 2) call out some particularly stupid/hypocritical attitudes, 3) I'm sitting in an allergists office and had too much time on my hands. In no particular order...

    1. Nobody hits anymore. Building funds for strips is a valid strategy, I get it. But NO HITS? With some notable exceptions the only inc I get are scouts nowadays. Maybe some fail Assas or steals thrown in from a hansel/spy. 1/2 an unload on HTE is more than enough to replenish those pots. So what's the grand plan? I would think limiting other sides ability to hit EBs would be a good priority and that's easier done with troops than Assas.

    2. Enemy hansels/PS who post about failed inc scouts. You're a freaking hanselPS so unless you're dumb enough to leave gold out (plenty of those) that's what you're going to get. Most efficient way to kill your buttload of spies is with scouts. Using pots to get successes is a waste. Object is to limit your spies. I find most really mouthy players lean towards this build.

    3. Constant EBs. If all those hitting EBs pooled their funds for strips then I could understand the strategy. But 400 actions on a Reckoning? You're chasing moths in the middle of an OSW! I've even seen players leaving their clan to do it. Just quit the OSW if you're that weak. Run HTE everybody pot up n get back to hitting!

    Input welcome. I've been fighting Zaft so that's where I get most if this. I'm sure it happens in UC clans too. Maybe I'm just too old in KAW years lol.

  2. http://www.google.com/imgres?client=ms- ... Doctor_Who)&docid=1DTPmW96C6t-fM&imgurl=http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120902232838/tardishttp://www.google.com/imgres?client=ms-unknown&sa=X&biw=480&bih=700&tbm=isch&tbnid=j61rpvXrzr3eXM:&imgrefurl=http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Series_1_(Doctor_Who)&docid=1DTPmW96C6t-fM&imgurl=http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120902232838/tardis/images/f/f1/Doctor-who-logo-nine.jpg&w=1408&h=809&ei=fVfUUo7dPNPnkAear4CQDA&zoom=1&h=809&ei=fVfUUo7dPNPnkAear4CQDA&zoom=1
  3. Also - have the balls to post with your main please.
  4. Support. I see this stuff a lot.
  5. OSW doesn't determine who the strongest or the weakest or who has more money or bigger ally bonus.. IT DETERMINES WHO THE MOST LOYAL IN THE CLAN IS.
  6. Also depends on who your in OSW with and if they're hitting other clans but I like your observations and comments
  7. Can I just be the first to mention "butthurt" on this thread.

    Only reason being is that someone is sure to post it, as happens in any thread where someone expresses any sort of negative opinion.
  8. Lol preemptive "butthurt". Thx for getting that out of the way.

    If these were isolated folks doing this I'd just toss it up to noobs being noobs but it seems like a prevailing "strategy" to put troops on EB and spies on opponent (not talking about running an EB during a strip - that makes sense to me).

    Chasing Moths during OSW is about as weak as it sounds.
  9. Ya thats how a lot of peeps do it now. I like to hit atk builds with my spies then find a hansel in opp clan and drop troops on them. When i osw i rarely hit the eb. I get to restock my pots from what i get from my targets and it works well for me lol. I think my last osw i made a total of a whopping 2bil from haunts
  10. Um.... I think you missed the memo that your whole alliance does what your talking about....just saying there squirt
  11. And I think you missed the last part of the initial post where I said it probably goes on in UC clans as well. Thx for the insight sparky.
  12. Funny that op is active in eb as he makes the thread
  13. Iluv he directing this at any alliance. He didn't say his clan wasn't doing it as well. He is saying he hates that it has come down to this.
  14. Ty king for actually reading the post.

    Gotta forgive Needwar he's limited in his reading comprehension. No way to post in crayola so he could join the conversation intelligently. Maybe this will help:

    EB not bad. ONLY EB is bad. Makes you look weak. Go get more moths.

  15. LOL
  16. So instead of gathering strip funds i should kamakaze my troops onto an att build or wait maybe i should do as most of your hansels did when we were on you and drop allies and go ps? Sorry but i choose to try to keep allies and raise gold for strips rather than waste troops on an att build or drop to ps.

    Oh and your scout bombs that i get once a week or so i laugh at, just like you would laugh at my feeble attempts to att you if i chose to. But alas i choose a more productive route in this war.

    On that note, im out of this thread.
  17. Much better post.

    We're you ever actually ON us? I don't really recall you actually returning fire and I assumed you were assigned to SE. If anyone at RCA actually WAS your target I think you owe your commanders an apology.

    As a hansel your steals n Assas on attack builds were fine (assuming you were hitting someone because I didn't see your name in cc very often if at all). And I don't know about the hansel-to-PS reference. No RCA converted to PS that I know of during our time hitting you. My hansel alt sat there with gold out all war n no inc.
  18. I dknt have balls but I got some sweet guantlets
  19. Innuendo? Lol