OSW between BCK and SFA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Tigerman300, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. This osw started when a friend of mine got farmed then my clan got back, now the othe clan wants an apology. I would like to know how is my clan at fault when we didn't start it??
  2. Say what now?? :roll:
  3. Wow Big Cat Kingdom... Sounds ferocious :razz:
  4. good luck and have fun!
  5. We will win this No matter what I have to do :twisted: :twisted:
  6. We are a tiny clan being bullied on by a big ass clan. This will be resolved.
  7. I must say really opoca that's so stupid why pick on a noob clan for ebs you's pick on noobs that just wrong I've lost a fair bit of respect for u just for that u pick on them u pick on me pick on some one who knows how to fight back y pick on noobs who have done nothing wrong but return fire farm me not them ill take both ur clans on who are picking on them y be so mean as to pick on a poor unsuspecting noob clan that's shameful a new low guys really
  8. Tiger u forgot to add that we are a new and growing clan fighting a giant clan of bullies. Even with that being true we won't fold. I'd rather lose fighting than fold like a punk. Bck don't back down no matter the odds
  9. You cant lose if you dont surrender or go inactive, keep that in mind
  10. Trust me we wont give in. We are not like that!!
  11. SFA I have a question why fight as??
    Because we are small??
    Because we are new??
    Or you guys like to bully people??
  12. And WWK clams another victim.
  13. I'd like to hear the other sides story before judging anything, so far all I've heard is boo hoo SFA are bully's they're farming me, I know them and they wouldn't be hitting you for no good reason a one sided story is just that, a story
  14. WWK?
  15. World war KaW
  16. My alt account is the Owner of the clan this started in.
    My clan member -chucky- got farmed by Fire_killer325. Me and the owner Of BCK took action. When it became a bigger issue I started setting terms of a CF with a SFA member Tweetybird. We had agreed to some terms. I had done my set of terms which was take my hit for her off my wall and have one of my member cleat the rude talking off there all and then this fight would of stopped. as soon as we had done our part she tried changing the terms again. I wouldnt agree to her last minute added terms.
    The clan owner of BCK tried talking to either godfather to T and then things were agreed it would become a 5v5 war. Then sh!t went wrong again.
    Now this is an OSW.
    We have had others try and talk about terms for a CF and still nothing.
  17. I would love to hear what htey have to say about this
  18. vy soon will become haunted clan~~ i reckon go down on ur knees n ask cf,,, just my 2cent
  19. SFA aren't bullies I'll tell you that . 