OSW against CAS. and friends :)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_LetHaL-DaRk_SwAn, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Started: December 19th 2012

    Reason: I was in a 1vs1 and it was broken when a member of CAS. jumped in to "save" his buddy. I then decided to farm their whole clan. In my eyes when they asked alliances for help to farm me I had won, because any clan who can't handle one person for one day without crying for help is no war clan and certainly not respectable. They claim they will strip and reset me, but what can they take from me when their is nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    To stay true to my name ;) -
    I am William Wallace! And I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of tyranny. You've come to fight as free men... And free men you are. What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight?
    Man: Fight against that? No! We will run. And we will live.
    Aye fight and you may die. Run and you'll live... At least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade all the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!

    My terms for CF against Cas.: Forum post apologizing and requesting CF from braveheart.

    My Motto: One at a time, the weak will run.

    Any interested in joining the cause are welcome :)
  2. Well have nothing better to do might as well join you
  3. Yeah good luck OP
  4. Good luck :)
  5. This has no real useful information, why are you tagged as cas, yet declaring a war on cas? And asking forums for help?
  6. Hmm... Mel Gibson quote... to applaud or laugh, that is the question
  7. Support OP.

    Anyone who needs more than one acc to fight a single account is pathetic. Anyone in a decent war clan should be able to handle at least two accounts at once.

    If what you are saying is true,
    Then they have a lot of explaining to do.
  8. Metal, dont support yet. He has Cas tags. Im sure there is more to the story than whats in the op.
  9. He added cas tags afterwards trying to get under their skin. It worked all full of butthurt now.
  10. You sure? If so, support.
  11. @metal If you need more than one acc to pin a single account then its not pathetic. Some clans have different style. They go with all on one ground and pound. I personally think there is nothing wrong with it.
  12. When this started op started a clan to fight them from called. .cas. They reported it to devs. Devs removed clan name so any input on a new name that would still irritate them. OP has added clan tags to his name just for them he is so thoughtful. cas turned him in for a bypass which resulted in a 24hr silence. Now you know the history up to this point everyone have a great holiday and kaw hard.
  13. Ever heard of the ZAFT "hit one and you hit all"? Mabe cas. Goes by this aswell. Its annoying but some clans do it.
  14. Best if you don't put ZAFT and cas in same post one is a respected war clan (ZAFT) while the other is full of EB crybabies (cas). I did not include Resilient in this post since the ones I'm friends with don't cry they just show up in your news. Now by the same token if you look at OP wall they have some that fight with their mouth not their troops so far not nearly as effective burning his pots.
  15. By the looks of it op is fighting kids  very illiterate 
  16. If you want fun, you do 1v1.
    If you want to bash someone hard.. You bash hard with as many people as you can get sooo.. Yeah nothing wrong with clan vs 1 person.
  17. amen to that UW