Original Old School System Wars

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IIIIlllllIIIIlllIIIIlll, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. Devs will never give us original old school system wars back, but here it goes.

    Current System Wars' Issues
    A. Overall
    1. Current clan wars are exclusive, not inclusive.
    2. Pre-set war schedules are not for everyone.
    B. Round Wars (They are gone now, but let's just put them here for the sake of convenience)
    1. Stacked rosters - Round wars ended up with three major roster types: LB+SH, LB+PS and SH. (Some people would want to add LB+PS+SH) It became near impossible for other builds to find a war clan, let alone win a war.
    C. Primal Wars
    1. Match ups - Devs, really? How difficult is it to add up CS?
    2. Stacked rosters - Okay, let's be honest here. Primal wars are not much different from round wars when it comes to stacking. Stacked rosters are normally stacked with a lot of hansels aka PS1.
    D. Individual Wars
    1. Alts - There are people who cast similar CS alts to spy for one account, or to open(leak) to the other side.
    2. Inactives - Need I say more? There are irresponsible people who cast and don't war.
    3. Trolls - There are people who spam clan chat to disrupt other people in war.

    Benefits of Original Old School System Wars
    1. Promotes clan unity.
    2. Possible to win with teamwork without a stacked roster, allowing many more to war. (e.g., by pinning own clan members. This would only work if you are able to hit EVERYONE involved in war)
    3. Flexible schedule
    4. Match up problem could be fixed. Clans could agree on preset rosters, and the developers would not have to match clans up.

    Past Problems with Original Old School System Wars
    1. Plunder Wars
    This could be fixed by disabling forfeiting system. The button is disabled already for all current system wars, so why not just disable it completely.
    2. Fake Wars for Mithril
    This could always be monitored, or have a system set in place that will not allow mith payout when the plunder difference of two clans is over x2. The rule could also encourage fair matches.
    3. Outside hits
    They are banned already for old school system wars anyway. Keep them banned.

    I doubt you devs would bring the old wars back, but this will allow people who have worked hard on BFA and BFE to use their power for the clan, not just in individual wars or off system wars.
  2. This would be nice. However instead of not allowing mith rewards for certain plunder gaps, just reduce it as the difference grows
  3. @-Sweet-n-Sauer- That's probably a better idea.
  4. Maybe make it along the lines of effecting the amount based off a formula similar to : regular amount(regardless of win or lose) * (2-(winnerpluder^2-loser^2)/(total plunder/2)^2) that way close wars get almost double the plunder of what very skewed wars would revive, while still keeping it close to ee payouts.

    (Side note, lol my 250th post is about math. My friends would be shaking their heads at the fact this is what I do in my free time)
  5. Well, there's a system war going on here if you would like...
  6. Support as well. Bring back the old school wars
  7. I'd love to see these again.
  8. Support, would love to see devs implement some kind of change. Good job baisy poo
  9. I missed the peak of clan wars, but i have participated i a few just for fun and have heard plenty of good stories about them. I think its a good idea, and why not?

  10. Support old school system wars  Wish there were still people running them.
  11. It would be nice to have the option again. Would make training people in pvp and the new war system. Instead if waiting tell seasons to see how people do.
  12. OOSW support
  13. Want to original war? Come by the forumers! We're doing one right now!
  14. Support!
    I missed old school wars so much.And we always had more fun during them than these new ones
    It always was more about clan unite and having fun with your clan mates.Plus you would get rewards from that and that would boost everyone's fighting spirit more up.its less stress and that way you could have more fun during it.
    Bring back old school wars and rewards!

    Declaring war against opposing clans is a fantasy in today's upper echelon clans of modern kaw. With some work, they can be easily aligned to modern gameplay.

    They should be re-visted.
  16. Would start warring again if old sch system wars are brought back .
  17. Support, the old style system wars were best.