Oracle Question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Moneymonster7, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. What is the exchange rate on 15 nobility points for gold? And how much gold do you get if you're saving up for the last Highland?
  2. You get 7% of your next land, if you waited till last land you'd get 7b per 15nobs
  3. The exchange rate depends on which land your on and/or if you have T4, you can find out by looking at the first option on The Oracle.
  4. Oops, last land youd get 21b* right?
  5. Mo, you don't get 21bil, I think you were right with 7bil, I know that's it's probably get something between 5-8 billion. I'll check
  6. If it's 7% your next land, 7% of 100b is 7b therefore 7% of 300b would be 21b no?
  7. Idk.. I thought Harry was going to check?
  8. HLBC you receive:


    The 7% rule only applies to lowlands I believe. Once you enter highlands, it's a whole different ball game, and your buildings also affect it.