oracle gold

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by III____Lord_Doom____III, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. How can I get my $$$$$ from the oracle to go up?
  2. If you have 15 nobility points, you can buy certain amount of gold from the Oracle.
  3. He's asking how to increase the amount given

    It's determined how many lands you have and what Tier is built on it
  4. Ah, yes.
    Sorry, still sleepy.
  5. Just explore and build more.
  6. more lands and building will give you more gold.
  7. Question answered.
  8. ^^ glad we have such an excellent wannabemod to fail and lock threads
  9. I'm glad we have such an excellent troll^
  10. I can't find /lock at my android. It is an iDevice only folder?
  11. Here to please 
  12. It doesn't really make much sense to me that it is based on lands/tier of buildings. I know that's the way it works, but it seems really stupid. By the time you can exchange nobs for the max amount of gold, you won't need to anymore because you're T5HLBC..
  13. It's not gone up for me since land 4 of highlands and now I'm land 13
  14. @t I c

    You need to build T4 or T5 on those highlands for the amount to go up. Once you get to around 15th land it will increase again.