Optimus Maximus lookin for another war

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Mrs_iSpy-, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. Our clan is new and admittedly on te lower part of the chain. But we would like a clan that is about the same strength wise as us to war against. Just for an idea, our strongest member is around 250k overall. Thx. Post here or on my wall
  2. Any new clans
  3. IG will be interested.
  4. Lol. Tempting... :p
  5. Actually, it'll be fun, and be a learning experience.

    No stripping, you may be pinned for 2 days, but most of our mems won't join and probably won't hit you cause you guys will pay *($!&
  6. Actually i lied, none of us can hit you, it'll be a boring war for both of us.
  7. What is your spot on strength lb?
  8. My clan is 148th but our two lc people won't participate if you want
  9. We are 240th strenght wise lol.

    And hansel, my clan will be the one clan you can get plunder from. Mwahahahaha. We will become famous!!!
  10. Can't* get plunder from. Lol
  11. Still on a witch hunt
  12. Come on dudes
  13. 
  14. U
    fight kissmyantheia if ya want...but I'm
    guessing u don't wana lol
  15. In 2days u shud war Fantasy Star
  16. Pshhh. That's ur clan bud! Lol. I couldn't bring myself to completely destroy such a friend :p
  17. hit up "geoffrotism", day_of_judgement might be interested.
  18. Haha. Looks good except for geoffitism lol