Optimizing Pot Consumption

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Cowlegend999, Jun 29, 2010.

  1. Optomizing Pot Consumption- Number Crunching By Cowlegend999
    Hi! I have decided to figure out once and for all how many pots u really need in a war. To calculate this I will see the maximum number of possible times u can be hit
    first you can be hit 25 times an hour(@ min troop loss) Since the war lasts 48 hours that's 48 full troop regens. Next if u were to use the max of 6 crystals in the war, That provides 6 more hours worth or 6 more full troop dumps so the magic number of defense pots is:
    this means if you have 1350 of each pot in a war no matter what happens (virtually) you will never run out of pots.

    *help* Im not sure if there is a nob limit for regens on war but I think it is 6 regens through crystal or nob max (3 a day) if anyone knows the answer please post Ty and feel free to post a spy version of this thread or comments/feedback thank you
  2. Yes, they can barely win and only kill a very small percentage of your troops allowing them to do more attacks at the cost of more soldiers. Im sorry cow, but this is wrong. :p
  3. You can be hit more then 25 times an hour? How many is max then lol
  4. Yes you can be hit more than 25 times in an hour, if you wanna test max...beat someone a LOT stronger than you and see what percentage of troops they lose.
  5. Also if they only used like 1 troop lol then ur guy wouldn't use any pots...
  6. Ok well I'm a pure spy so I can't test perhaps raj can  then this thread wont be a fail
  7. Keeep working on this because I like where u are going with this. Plus it will be usefull in the future. Good luck!! I will check back later. 
  8. So 1350 pots PER person. What about the update that changed how pots are used?
  9. Well this is the maximum u could possibly lose however raj said you actually can be hit more then 25 times so I will update this after I test that
  10. You can be hit gobs more than 25x..remember when I said you can do 70.X scouts per hour? Picture a little kid being the scouter and the juggernaut as the target except the kid loses more %...

    Yes potion use helps stave off the above kind of burning but unless they have the 99% chance to win without pots once the lowest pots are burned the next highest are put into the line, then the next, etc.
  11. Cor this is for troop attacks not scouts and I am currently trying to get a hansel build to attack a max build to see the troop loss
  12. UPDATE
    I got my friend who's a non lc hansel build to hit a max build with 23 subs and 1 guild he lost 782 troops and since the subs give 2k units each that's 59 max hits an hour which means
    59x54=3186 are the number of potions u need to never run out during a war
    hopefully all this is correct now 
  13. I was using scouts to give you a better idea. Was an analogy that aparently failed. You figured it out though so props
  14. So is this for sure correct? Anything I missed out? And do subs add 2k troops each I wasn't 100% on that lol
    thanks tho cor
  15. Yes subs give 2k troops each. :)
  16. **EDIT** on a different target with 2 av's he could have gotten 60 hits making
    perhaps this should be tested on an all av or beast build? I don't know any that exist tho
    I will update again if I get more info
  17. But in a war, more than 1 person hits you >.<
  18. /facepalm u get pinned so u can't be hit more then this number of times no matter what.