Operation Storm Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Bastion, Jul 6, 2010.

  1. This will be feedback for my new story, Operation Storm. Please post all comments here. Post on that thread you will be farmed and not in story. Thanks!
  2. Any corrections tell me too so I can fix them! Thanks!
  3. Change fox to fix, lol
  4. Bye Bast
  5. What? Who?
  6. **UPDATE** Story posted
  7. Go to pal bast.
  8. Nice like end of chapter or watever
  9. Good chapter
  10. I'm in it! : D Am I a bad guy? :3
  11. You need to sign up first. That was my first draft just put in random friend names.
  12. Oh okay. Want me to post it on sign up?
  13. Yes please.
  14. Love it I'll sign up
  15. Hey ur not bad lol
  16. But hey osterly??
  17. Rika you are going to be osterly's wife/2nd in command. (make zaln jealous)
  18. Do I HAVE too??? He has an unhealthy obsession with peanut butter....!
  19. Yes! Muahahahahha.