Open for hits

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ___llII_Explosive-Bomb_IIll___, Mar 1, 2014.

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  1. I am open for hits till DTW.
    People that are open for hits/spies:
  2. This thread is eventually gonna get locked for lack of effort 
  3. I dont really bother even if its locked :3
  4. What the **** Rae??????
  5. Owned by empowered who's currently getting his ass handed to him by Naomi... Hmmm
  6. My owner is a noob too :3, carnage
  7. Feel like resetting haha
  8. You had fail image bbcode. Result : You had like about 50-100 lines of the url 0-o
  9. yeah i erased it right away lol
  10. Low effort thread, could have used WC for this

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