open farm on -destructive-

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIIpsychedeIicIlIlshamanllIIl, Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. -destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive--destructive-
  2. That names invalid
  3. double post, and I can see that profile
  4. Noob noob noob noob noob noob noob noob noob noob noob noob noob noob noob noob noob noob noob noob
  5. Do it yourself
  6. I think that name exceeds the amount of characters we were able to use by 2. Try again?
  7. After reading his wall you deserve what ever you are getting, don't start what you can't end.
  8. Pansie. Hit him ya self.
  9. Lol@SH failing at life and getting owned.

    You broke a CF son, your loss. We at the forums are not your personal army.
  10. i wasn't start anything he farmed me for three weeks for posting as when I was 12mcs troop. actually I was honest to him in the first week but the 2nd week when I still got Inc 7/24 sorry about that but I've got really nerves. bcoz I was even hitting defetead with full cast full pots on him and couldn't do anything and he just kept hitting me. of course I was swear on his wall. excuse me
  11. Hey op... Get me some pizza. Pronto.
  12. he couldn't touch me as sh I farmed him twice after he start hitting me again. and they stripped an ally while I was busy at work. turned app back and I was missing an ally.
  13. Get me some pizza, last warning.
  14. Pepperoni, what do you think this is? Some kind of game?
  15. I'm going out on a limb and assume English isn't your first language as it is hard trying to pjece together your defense. Honestly, I don't really care what happened between you two, but coming to forums to have them farm him for you i s probably one of the worse decisions ever. This just opens you up for more criticism and more people hitting you for whining/complaining/crying.
    The best suggestion I can give you is to lock the thread(s) and work on getting a CF (and holding to it) and move on with your kawing.
  16. I'm not gonna pay any type of cf term to him. He is a freaking mind disabled. I can't believe that bcoz I'm not English mother tounged that I can't claim help and he can afford to hitting smallest and cf them no matter who was right.
  17. that why I'm sh bcoz of EE wars but this fucker split in my game bcoz he knows I can't do **** to him and he is enjoy it!
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