Open Discussion on Current Affairs in KaW

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by DoC-Ashaya-RoC, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. As a player of this game for a number of years, it hurts me to see this game in such a clearly low state. WC barely moves, constant events that are largely a money grab (not that I don't appreciate the growth available through them), next to no new player retention.

    So, with all that said, I have to wonder what the devs are planning. With so much interaction from them recently, I'm hoping to get some sort of idea.

    What do you plan to do to get new players? How do you plan to keep them? Will you ever give us a break from these events? What new features are being planned? These are a few of my questions, and if a developer could even vaguely give an answer, that would be great.

    At this point, I'm sure the developers are aware that implementing features without 0 consulting of the players that it ends up affecting is not the best strategy.

    If anyone else has any questions, or would like to make suggestions to help with player retention, event drag, etc, feel free to ask. Hopefully,with all the recent interaction, they will notice this and talk to us.
  2. Reserved for edits
  3. I bet they will do another event after this one. Probably copy/paste from the last one. I don't "expect" devs to do anything "new". They have always chatted with us. This isn't something new to make you assume they care.
  4. I don't doubt that that is the plan. I don't expect anything.
    But, the devs interaction recently has been far and beyond what its been since 2011. Heck, on a whim they changed speaker regen limit. They have never done anything on a whim like that. I can hope.
  5. Good luck
  6. Low new player retention?
    Not devs fault tbh not many good starter clans...most are sub clans or new clans with barely any members and ebs and cc are slow. I don't think i would have stuck if I started now tbh

    But anyway as I said its not devs fault they can give bonuses and stuff but ultimately players letting down kaw
  7. Devs are there own worst enemy.....I've stopped buying on this game due to recent price increase and will not spend another penny on this dying game .

    I don't care that Apple increased prices 25% Im bothered that the devs haven't given us25% more for our money .
    It's not like it costs them any extra to offer an extra xtal or 2 as these things don't even exist anyway.
    If the game wasn't dying a slow death then they can charge what they like however they are in no position to be stubborn about this issue

    I urge u to really think long and hard before u spend another penny on this game and consider why your wasteing money on overpriced fake goods.

    I've personally spent way to much money on here and the recent lack of content and price hikes have really made me reconsider how I play this game moving forward.
  8. Create clan loyalty rewards whereas only war is permitted to maintain ones loyalty status.
    Rewards work in reverse fashion where as the lower ppl incrementally gain the most benefits. This is to incentivize newer or smaller builds. Scaled to enhance overall benefits to clans who stay together.
    Each clan may have 1 war clan to further gain benefits that is automatically given to each clan whether used or not. War benefits will dissolve without a minimum amount of wars weekly.
    Eg Battlegrounds and Battlegrounds War

    Also add war to our profiles.
    Institute more war tourneys.

    Clans of the Realm wars quarterly for a total of 3 with ASW being the 4th and another allotted to the remaining ppl for their personal pleasure.
  9. More of those threads out there - less attention devs pay to them
  10. How about more frequent ASW style wars?
    Every 2 months and break up the events.

    Make it so all can enter in say 3 tiers.
    Akin to Rancor accumulating rewards towards EQ and/or banners.
  11. There is no new player retention because it's especially boring in the beginning. The only things that kept me playing is the social aspect and pvp. All new players will have is tapping at ebs in small clans with dead cc.
  12. Some novel ideas for new content is needed.
  13. This. Also bringing back advantage and random wars.

    With classic wars and the latency people from Oceania have, it makes warring as a hansel quite difficult, 250+ ms stand them little to no chance of not only SKO but timing to be off, and in wars timing is everything.
  14. I'm all for that 
  15. Apes have introduced rampant game inflation, and that is what drives new players away because there are no benefits when starting out. Only established players are targeted to benefit from inflation.

    My radical ideas to make the game more accessible:

    Extend the Tutorial to include more rewards to accelerate the new player's growth. Give more starting gold, tutorial rewards for building buildings (gold or an actual LL T4 level 1 building), tutorial rewards for joining a Clam, etc. Tutorial should end when the player is Lowland build complete.

    Newbie starter spell should also confer permanent max plunder for LL buildings. Although LL building costs have been reduced by 50% to help stats growth this actually encourages over-investment in buildings whereas investment in allies is still very expensive and diverts gold away from growth.

    Inflate Quest rewards by a factor of 10,000 to make the rewards more relevant to the metagame. Quest 1 reward inflates from 5k to 50m. Quest 3 reward inflates from 13k to 130m. Quest 69 reward inflates from 500m to 5T (Charlie made it so 4.5T is easily achievable from events so don't imagine this is generous, or unbalancing).

    In fact you may as well abolish the obsolete T1-T3 buildings and start Kingdoms with a T4 troop building and a T4 Stronghold of Shadows (then reuse the artwork for later).

    Increase the difficulty of all epic battles to make T1-T4 more relevant again. Have an escalating PvE plunder bonus first awarded at 1% after 24 hours in the same clan, 2% after 48 hours, 3% after 96 hours, 4% after 8 days, and 5% after 16 days. This is reset after an absence of 4 hours away from the home Clam (or find another way to protect this for War participation). Rationalise the Blood Rains options so that small Clams always have a realistic option.

    Remove the 1m gold cap for being hired.

    Include BFE in calculating hit ranges/clan rankings/war match-ups to make matches transparent and stop the grief farming of newbies with no equipment.


    My nephew looked at this game and dismissed it as "boring", so even then I'm not sure if KAW can appeal to a new generation of gamers. If it sells Starter and ProPacks I'd suggest it would still be worth it.
  16. While I generally agree with all of this, I have to wonder how the questing in your system would affect the economy.

    I actually want to hear marks opinion on this idea.

    An addition to this would be the addition of new quest types. It's been asked for for years, we need spy quests.

    Keep the ideas coming, more we have, the more likely someone will speak up from ata.
  17. I'm not sure that the quest rewards would have much of any impact on the economy. I doubt too many non noobs haven't already completed those for xtal rewards so it would be focused almost solely to new players / alts. As mentioned even a noob can get 2k event items if they try hard and that is 4.5T. I think what it may be better for is getting noobs growing even more quickly and subsequently able to move out of the dead so called starter clans in to something with hopefully a bit more of a social aspect. If i was a noob I wouldn't stick around long when so many of these clans have 9 CC posts per 24 hours.

    I actually think all of those ideas have some merit. It's a shame none are likely to be considered. The tutorial has basically never changed, that to me is indication enough that new player retention is not a priority for the apes.