Open Challenge for War 24 & 27

Discussion in 'Wars' started by CptMoeRon, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. The EE Noob War Challenge

    I have friends from all over kaw who are all different sizes with different builds. All varying greatly from the near statless all the way up to BC. Each with a different build from your basic hansel, hybrids, war builds, eb builds, and confused eb/war builds to name a few. The one thing they all have in common, besides being friends with this (devilishly handsome)Moeron, is that they have all expressed some interest in EE wars. Some do not have the size or build to get into a primal clan and are a bit hesatent to jump straight into an indi war.

    So before they spend countless hours earning gold to upgrade to get to a MID size, rebuilding to meet the 'standard acceptable war build', stocking pots, and saving up for their first 14 mith, I decided that I would like to put together a roster for them. So they could dip their toes into the EE waters in a friendly enviroment where they will not be harassed for being a 'leak', for being a noob who cant sko, or not being forced to spend money on xtals for something that may be their one and only time doing. Though I hope this fuels their interest in EE even more.

    To make this happen I figured I had two choices
    Choice A
    I find 30 people who can all be available for war x and can be divided up evenly so that they get a match against each other as well as trying to ensure each side has an experienced WC and tracker.


    Choice B(the one I have chose)

    I pick a CS that allows a large cross section of small/mid size builds that are always interested in warring but cannot get a spot in one of the 'veteran' war clans and post to forums inviting anyone in the kaw community to make a roster for these two wars to match me.

    [title2]Primal Wars 24 & 27[/title2]
    [title2]Roster Size 200MCS[/title2]

    As the title says the roster size I am aiming for is 200mcs. That leaves enough room for many variation of build sizes to be on the roster. How you fill it is up to you of course. Stick 15 accounts in a clan that are all 13mcs, stack it with 3 BC accounts and a bunch of statless alts for all I care.

    Many of the people I will be roster have never even done an indi war before. Some have plenty of indi experience but have never been allowed onto a primal roster for whatever reason.

    Can you stack the roster with nothing but mains and alts of war hardened vets and try to get an 'easy' win? Of course you can. Judging by the amount of drop build pansies i run into on a daily basis I know there is a very good possibility of someone trying to do this. Do I care? well my banner answers that. Either way my roster is going to learn, and have a lot of fun in the process so do what you will ;)

    Respond however you want, I most likely will not be checking for responses as this is just to raise awareness of my challenge. If you support this effort in theory, yeehaw. If you support it in practice by trying to match me, good for you. You don't support me? boo hoo.

    Okay I lied. There is one response I would like to see. Someone saying they are going to roster a match. I've been in several rosters in several different clans that got no matches from being undersized so I know there should be at least one if not several clans ready to jump on this challenge. I doubt it will happen but I would love to see dotb, shcsn, aeon, or any other of the big name EE clans to step up and roster a match. After all, these smalls, mids, noobs could be your future perms. Invest in your future ;)
  2. Re: Open Challenge for War 24

    Goodluck you will probably get smashed but you already know that. Have fun and teach them noobs the ropes.
  3. Support
  4. Re: Open Challenge for War 24

    Lol support one of the best stories ever told . I will say Return the 11 man Rosters Devs!!
  5. At lest some one is trying to teach next Gen if we keep all them out or don't give support to peps trying to do this the amount of people that ee will not grow so to big thumbs up bud
  6. Re: Open Challenge for War 24

    Support. Interesting idea and a great way to try and teach new people how to war. If you need a filler or someone to help my pm's open.
  7. Re: Open Challenge for War 24

    Id suggest no trackers on either side. Force the war kingdoms to report inc attacks.
  8. Smh this gets buried in forums and taco rp is the most active posts. Guess pimd has taken over.
  9. Re: Open Challenge for War 24

    I will accept the challenge, if I am available at those times. I will not be using a DOTB clan. I will give you a good match. Good luck. ;)
  10. Good for you Moeron. The more clans casting the better the matchups will be. Thanks for shaking the trees.
  11. Re: Open Challenge for War 24

    I take the war 24 challenge ️
  12. If a clan is needed to host one of these wars, contact me as I am always up for it and I'm sure some of my members are too.
  15. not post count farming people seem things can only be one thing. That's why open ended questions terrify some people. Isn't that right?
  16. I agree with Karma. It's a good idea, and I'll support. Contact me with details and l will field a starter roster also for wr 24.
  17. Re: Open Challenge for War 24

    I'm also rostering war11
  18. Re: Open Challenge for War 24

    Match this guy and you win :lol:

    In all seriousness this is a great idea and i really hope it succeeds.
  19. Re: Open Challenge for War 24

    Count me in dood
  20. I'm down for war 24 even got a dead clan I can use