Only 3 Perma Items atm?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Adyboii, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. Hey guys, just wondering if theres any more perma items available, other than the 3 already from The Destroyer, City of the Dead and Figure of Death? Or do we need to wait for the updates?

    Let me know guys and thnx for ur help !
  2. Each Pro Pack has a permanent item with it. Low land complete resets (only first four) give permanent items. Also when game first game our there were a Defender version of KaW and Scout version of KaW that gave a permanent item each (both discontinued).

    NOTE: EB permanent item drops go away after reset.
  3. As to equipment only the 3 eb items are currently for that. Later updates will include more i believe
  4. They removed perm items? WTF? i reset so many times just to end up with nothing?
  5. where do you see someone saying they removed reset items? blind monkey
  6. U must open up all low land level monkey
  7. @S1IIYD3m0-n_M4DJ_pR1cH4rdW3IIs: Your sig burns my eyes..... :|