ongoing osw

Discussion in 'Wars' started by XIII_J13LEE_XIII, May 2, 2015.

  1. I'm new to this(this being my first forum post) but would like to ask all of kaw for help with it. Anyway, anyone that looks in WC will see there are a lot of osw's going on. Of course we all know about zaft/apoc, but there are a few others raging as well. So I'm making this for people to post their osw. Now it would have been more helpful during the last PvP event but better late then never. So all I ask is if your in an osw, post what clan your in and what clan you're warring against. A list of allied clans would be helpful to.
  2. Hi my name is omar and im an alcoholic

    Edit: wrong thread
  3. I'm in OSW against the alcoholic.
  4. Tried to read this, honestly did. Wall of text though. What you're saying is post here, something about PvP event if you don't want outside inc? The first event was understandable because there was no choice to opt in, you just got threw in until that spell came along. But if you willingly opt in, expect to be hit by anyone. If they have a "outside inc will be farmed" banner, just farm them anyway.
  5. Delete: didn't read the entire op
  6. You realize many in your alliance have those banners, right?
  7. @Omar

    95% of his alliance.**
  8. Edit: didn't read the entire text.
  9. It's a game. People can do what they want. Family just saying if you choose me to unload on, I'll kick your ass later.
  10. This thread makes me sick.
    *choked on text*

  11. I do, an so do a lot have "do not hire banners." So when they hit my alt first instead of staying on target, I get the go ahead to run bars from said alt. They can deal with it.
  12. You hit your own alliance? Or am i reading that wrong?
  13. You read it right - with an alt, under certain circumstances, and only if allowed by higher authority. It's not a random everyday thing.
  14. No warning for no one, not even his own family. Super badass farmer extraordinaire right here. -insert dark sunglasses-

    Wait, did you just say your higher authority gives you the go to farm your own family???? 
  15. Made it short and to the point. Maybe more to your liking. You were right, to long. Thanks for the input.
  16. the op i s asking what other osws are going on out there i believe
  17. You flatter me. I didn't start this way though. Back in my Global War(completely like Future Combat, PvP and missions only, and was shut down) days I got farmed a lot, until I learned the ways to farm back harder.

    But no warnings, OSWs give none, PvP events give none, and no one does anyone really. And yes, higher authority. Doesn't matter if it's a runner, event, or just someone's birthday(they try to hide it but can't).
  18. Yes, that's what I had hoped. But its not working that way.
  19. Yafi vs na
    clan a vs bh(not sure if still going)
    Invictus vs wdgaf
    Thats all the worth mentioning ones i know of. :|