One and only

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *NecroHyphen (01), Mar 3, 2011.

  1. I'm the only one left...

    The last of my kind...

    I will have my revenge...

    All must die...

    My name?

    Not important...

    My motives...

  2. cool story brah
  3. Dont post here...
  4. ok i wont post THERE, ill post here :roll: you already posted there!
  5. Just post on feedback -_-
  6. I hereby ban you from this thread, if you dont complie, i will email the devs to ban you from this thread
  7. My bad spelling
  8. Good idea, but i notice that you need to adress the rule book first! i can only be bannished by swearing, or spamming :D
  9. Read the rules, i have banned you from this thread for spamming
  10. i didnt spam
  11. No, but i have told u to stop posting and im the owner of this thread, pls leave
  12. Read the world chat & forum behavior part! i havent swore or spammed :roll:
  13. But you havent left after i have asked you to leave, i have walled mods to delete your posts and silence u from posting on my thread
  14. IT DOESNT SAY I HAVE TO!!! READ THE ****IN TOU! I NEVER SWORE OR BYPASSED(i added those asterixs myself so i dont get banned) I HAVENT BROKE ANY RULES!!!
  15. I have walled the mods after i have already asked you to leave and you havent.
  16. Thank you and have a nice day
  17. are you able to read? just read the ToU
    heres a quote from help topics
  18. Please ignore the above posts, thank you