on page one.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by wordwaster, Aug 30, 2016.

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  1. @todd (not @moody, this has nothing to do with moody)

    i said on page one that there was no rule in the tou about only having 1 account per device.

    are you really that childish that you can't admit that you are wrong?

    i admitted that i misread your statement and thought you were talking about pc. (because i only skimmed your post and saw the word 'browser')

    grow the ​ up dude

    admit that you have been ranting and raving about how i was "wrong" when i said the tou was changed to no longer say "1 account per device".

    it's not hard. just say "i was wrong". go on. it'll make you feel better.
  2. He already thanked you for your knowledge on ToU.
  4. He did admit he was wrong. Leave and /lock
  5. Stop post count farming...
  6. not talking to moody.

  7. You clearly have no idea what post farming is
  8. I keep a ToU printout with me whenever I travel
  9. op edited. not talking to moody. moody is cool. moody can admit his mistakes.
  10. Unlocked the thread under the terms that wordmaster better clarify who he is trying to talk to. (Not Moody)
  11. I'm cool!?

  12. Moody's cool?
  13. um. sure. i meant that as a sincere statement, not as a way to emphasize the point that i was not attacking moody.
  14. But was it worth a thread?
  15. i was having fun. still am. variety of reasons.

    so i'm going to go with "hell yeah it was worth a thread"
  16. So... You don't think I'm cool?!

    This has been an emotional rollercoaster
  17. see...i use the old fashioned version of "cool". like you keep your cool, no matter the circumstances. that is what makes someone "cool".

    you go off on an emotional roller coaster ride, and that's not cool.

    but if i was using "cool" the way it gets misused for just "anything someone likes", then sure you're cool. ..."bro".
  18. I feel we're going off at a tangent when I was just having a bit of fun...

    I'll leave you to your anti Todd-Based thread ️
  19. it's not "anti-todd"

    it's "pro-truth" :lol:

    i'm not anti todd. if more forum trolls were as capable of original thought, the forums would be hella more fun.
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