OMETOTCHTLI Estocs War Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by OMETOTCHTL1, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. OMETOTCHTLI Estocs War Guide

    See clan Tlal0can to determine how to join the "interclan group" of elite mercs known as the OMETS.

    1) RULE 1-- There will be three Target Coordinators (TCS) in priority

    b. Gold TC -- ______
    c. Blue TC --- ______
    d. Cyan TC-- ______

    2) RULE 2-- Only the three TCS may change their username in chat to a color.

    3) RULE 3-- Only the three TCS will call out targets and each has a priority:

    a. Gold TC - -will call out targets coming out of KO--- these are HIGHEST PRIORITY AS IT REDUCES THE NUMBER OF ACTIVE PLAYERS WE NEED TO RESPOND TO, they are weakest at this point and easier to KO, and they likely are active and pay better plunder.

    b. Blue TC---- -will call out targets who just KOed one of our team—these will take FIRST priority in the beginning of the war until GOLD target start to be called, then they take SECOND priority behind GOLD targets. Blue targets are good because they are weaker and easier to KO at this point, but they are active and will give better plunder bonus.

    c. Cyan TC-- will call out targets that are special attacks – they have high activity but have not been KOed and are hitting one or more of us in highly active way and will give out special plunder over 100m.

    d. CA – TARGETS OF GENERAL OPERTUNITY—IF you are full and no targets being called that you can hit then you hit these. These will be the high priority in the beginning of the war—BUT remember only 4 hits and regenerate.

    e. Target call terminology

    i. TS-#3 ​= Target clan member #3 with spys 3-4 X’s ONLY
    ii. TA-#3 ​= Target clan member #3 with soldiers 3-4 X’s ONLY
    iii. TKO-#3 ​= Target clan member #3 and SPY or ATK 3-4 X’s ONLY to KO them

    iv. 2TS-#3 ​= Target clan member #3 with spies a SECOND ROUND 3-4 times
    v. 2TA-#3 ​= Target clan member #3 with soldiers a SECOND ROUND 3-4 times
    vi. 2TKO-#3 = Target clan member #3 a SECOND ROUND SPY or ATK to KO them

    vii. GO NUTS #3 = You figure it out

    f. I suggest you have a list of #’s on Word and copy the names of the clan members next to them in order to be able to find the targets the fastest.
    g. Target callers should also include names as well as clan number to make it faster for people on PCs to copy and paste to hit.

    a. Stay above 50% troops and spies to avoid a KO
    b. Save all Xtals till last 30 minutes because bonus from Kos increases the longer into the war we go, don’t use them to prevent a KO – do a self KO.
    c. Self KO if you are about to be ganged up on
    d. Report incoming hits in CC as follows: #4 Inc. Stl or #4 Inc. Attk.
    e. Don’t call for help in CC; targets are called on behalf of the group NOT you. If you think you are being targeted by one player that has not been hit PM Cyan TC to call that target.
    f. Not sure about scouting/stealing or assassination as to which is more effective yet.

    5) GUIDELINEs and Strategies based upon your build

    a. ATTACK and HYBRID Builds--- Skim hit with 3-4 hits per target;

    i. The reason is that if we have 3-4 hits per person, it takes only 10 people doing this to a single target to pin their soldiers
    ii. Don’t go over this 3-4 hits – no matter how you are tempted to try to hotdog to get the KO– you will leave yourself a target for a return KO and lose anything you gained
    iii. Don’t use your spies, they will be better used to keep you from being KOed defensively
    v. Self KO if you are being gang attacked and going down

    b. SPY/HANSEL AND HANSELS--- Skim SCOUT with 6-8 scouts per target;
    i. The reason is that if we have 3-4 scouts per person, it takes only 10 people doing this to a single target to pin their spies
    ii. Don’t go over this 6-8 scouts – no matter how you are tempted to try to hotdog to get the KO– you will leave yourself a target for a return KO and lose anything you gained
    iii. Don’t use your soldiers, they will be better used to keep you from being KOed defensively
    v. Self KO if you are being gang attacked and going down

    c. HYBRID Builds---same as Attack builds except you are able to use spies and are harder to kill

    In first 30 minutes of the war hit in teams of 5 on any targets your team decides as first targets, after that TCS determines all targets.
  2. Great guide.

    I think all EE warring clans need to get a gameplan together, and this is a pretty good outline!
  3. Love the guide. And the subliminal message to join the clan on top ;) lol
  4. Great guide! It really outlines some key points! Good job! :D
  5. Nice guide we used something similar
  6. Bump for a good guild
  7. Great guide they should pin this
  8. Full support and cheer for a great work
  9. Excellent work n great guide
    Im using it tonight
  10. Great thread Omet I wish the clan I first participated with in would have known this
  11. It's supposed to be classified info. you s.o.b :p
  12.  OMETS nvr met a bad 1
  13. Great plan, very corrdinated.