
Discussion in 'Wars' started by VA_Swag_VA, Oct 24, 2014.

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  1. A cf to the clan omen i apologize for hitting eddzie after an ally hire it has been a good fight but omen came out on top was fun fighting you guys.
  2. This is definitely not what the terms were. The terms of Cf were a sincere apology to

    And everyone you dragged into this.

    Quickly half assing a thread together stating you are sorry to me and no one else is not meeting terms. I would request lock and try again.
  3. That was a swaglicious cf

  4. And you can't say you are ceasing fire on us when we are the ones you want to stop. You make it sound like you had even a minute amount of leeway in this.
  5. Then let me update it i apologize to the clan members of omen i had brought into this and a personal one to eddzie who is the better hansel
  6. Cf granted. I really just don't want 10 follows a day anymore
  7. Wtf slim :lol:
  8. Was fun while it lasted lol. Happy kawing Swag 
  9. Request this forum be locked
  10. Eddie, you are a bigger spy hansel alone.. You couldn't of just kept it a 1v1?
  11. oh. sorry for the late hits. i didn't realize this had gone up.
  12. It wasn't about a 1v1, his friend had openly farmed one of our members. And if 1 friend was there. Who's to say he didn't have more, and I won't lie. He had around 20 people follow me, all asking us to stop or "they'd get involved"

    So no. A 1v1 wasn't an option. He's learnt now and now im helping him out.
  13. /lock
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