Old school war strategy guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Distance, May 20, 2011.

  1. I know what you are thinking, a guide from Distance? Better call my lawyer see if this is legal. But i have good reason to post a serious guide. I hear alot about kaw not having enough strategy. Or it just being a pw game now ( guilty). But the depth of this game goes much further than stats and ally bonus. Many of what the older players call the pw clans dont know and/or utilize tactics at all in out of system wars. So im going to list some of the more complicated and less talked about strategies in the game.

    First the simple ones:

    Stripping: yep it happens and is a good way to kill the fighting spirit of most players. Also makes it easier to win attacks. What most pw fighters dont do is prepare for it. If you are in an old school war (osw) you are going to get stripped. Expect it in advance and plan for your recovery. Bank 10 or 11 bil in attack or spy attack pots to buy your way back to max plunder.

    Def pots: USE THEM! Over one thousand of each. And replenish them as you war. Dont bank money for upgrades until your pots are stocked in an osw.

    Attack pots: use when needed. More on this later. Keep at least one thousand of each and replenish as needed.

    Crystals: keep a few on hand to get the upper hand in an even fight.

    Spending priorities:
    The money you make in osw should be spent as follows

    1) def pots. They make u a much less appealing target

    2) attack pots. They come in handy.

    3) main bank for upgrades: dont leave your money out in an osw put it away for a rainy day.

    4) crappy allies. You have at least 250 ally spots. Use ur spare change to fill them. Makes u stronger, takes longer to strip u, and the lower cost allies get bought quicker so ull turn a slight profit eventually.

    Know your role in the war:
    Everyone fights differently and you wont know what role you will take until you try them out. Some people and builds are better for different roles. Here are some roles in a war.

    Stripper: These warriors go to bed at night dreaming of their enemies naked and vulnerable. A good stripper is also a good leader. He must be able to gather forces to strike. He must also be very studious about the enemy's sleep schedule and activity levels. Usually big builds and osfs who have had time to bank tons of cabbage.

    Sweeper: popularized by system wars this fighter starts at the top and works his way down the roster pinning everyone along the way. A good sweeper will have a big attack build with great ally bonuses and a stockpile of crystals. Sweepers are the heart of a successful war towing the line and taking the heat for everyone else. They quickly become a primary target for the enemy.

    Burners: these singleminded bulldogs pick a target and hound them. They dont care about wins or losses. They want to burn your pots and fill your news. Its very frustrating to see your news full of hits every time you sign on. It becomes disheartening very quickly. Burners want to wear down their enemies one at a time. A good burner can be a small build if he has attack pots but a medium sized build works best. Always self pin on your enemies as a burner. In long osws burners are essential to making people quit.

    Propogandist: these well rounded fighters are great morale boosters. They talk awesome smack and infuriate the enemy. Any build can do this but a good propogandist will know the limits of tou and trick the enemy into breaking it without breaking it themselves. Killing your enemies communication kills your enemy period. A developer silence is a weapon worth using.

    Hunter: in modern osws players will flee the clan for refuge in a pw or another clan. A good hunter takes ss of enemy rosters and hunts through walls to find links to missing enemies then organizes strike teams. A player who runs from a fight like this is on the verge of quitting the war. Hunters make sure they do so. A good hunter is not fooled by a name change and will keep track of roster numbers and links to players on people's walls. They often stumble across enemy intel while wall crawling.

    Im sure there are more roles to be played. Osfs can often boost morale with a quick open for their clan for example. But the basic truth is if you are not performing a role for your clan you are not helping them win the war.

    Complex strategies:

    Scout bomb strip: this is the only way i know of to strip an active player, but it takes alot of coordination time and planning and as such has fallen out of favor. you need several attack builds preferrably burners and a strip crew of osfs and spies. The burners start scouting one after another for about an hour keeping the target swamped in news lag. His news should constantly update with more failed scouts. After an hour the strip crew buys one ally and test steals to see if the target is dtw. If he is, continue scouting. Eventually he will stop checking his news and will likely not notice his allies being bought. The news lag will make it hard for him to bank his money quickly enough even if he does notice. If he self pins continue scouting and begin stripping after a while. The only way to stop a scoutbomb strip done properly is to keep yourself pinned for hours upon hours.

    Luring a strip: if you have loads more allies than you need for max plunder this could be a good way to get an upgrade in an osw. This requires some set up and a high activity level. First priority make yourself a target. A few days as a sweeper usually works but burners are also prime targets. Also you need to set activity times for yourself that are not representative of your actual schedule. Stop all activity in kaw for a few hours at the same time every night. Do not respond to attacks at this time but watch closely to catch the strip. Make sure you wake at night to news, leaving your idevice connected to kaw. The vibrations wake me. Always respond to attacks during your sleep time to give your enemy only the time you set to strip you. If you are lucky they will be noobs and buy all of your allies before stealing. If they begin stealing right away this tactic will not work. Either way you will be one really hard person to strip.

    Self pin: in a system war you can actually win while pinned. Simply never let your troops raise above 20% for 48 hrs and attack someone weaker. But in osw pin is a temporary tactic to frustrate and anger your enemy. You must eventually let your troops regenerate. To self pin properly empty your troops on an enemy and then quest for an hour or two never letting your troops rise. This will take you off of your attacker's radar and you will have time to regenerate. If you have a persistant burner on you pin yourself for five min then crystal and take the upper hand by pinning him. Sit on him to make sure he cannot recover until his activity cycle ends.

    There are too many strategies to list them all. Most are built upon game exploits or limitations. If something about kaw irritates you it likely will irritate your enemy. Remember in an osw its not about plunder or pinning its about morale. Your enemy must want to quit.

    To learn the best strategies join a good old school clan that has an actual training clan like -wig-. Ig's finest warriors graduate from this hallowed institution. Here you will not only learn from great fighters about the game and build strategies you will also learn how to fight. -wig- has pws but they are a means to an end. They are preparation for a fight and a reward for success. -wig- fights real wars with real consequences and if you prove yourself you can become a member of kaw's most elite clan Ig. Read clan description for requirements to join. I hope this was helpful.
  2. One word: AMAZING
  3. Distance!!
  4. Sticky pls
  5. I want to be in IG 
  6. I think I would be a burner

    It's the best approximation, I guess
  7. From an OG iG brilliant bro :D
    Thats the old school KAW that we all
    knew before the PWs took over
  8. Id probably be a burner too. I like to pick a target and stick to em for a few days
  9. Why are testicles always different sizes?
  10. Nicely done distance. Burners are also good scouts. Plus you're missing one major category

    Good job coining the term "osw" btw. You win on that one haha :D
  11. Love it! Soooo wig is recruiting? 
  12. How DO you get into WiG? Referral? Or do I farm a member till they pay attention to me? (I'd do that if I actually was able to be active 25/7 :) )
  13. Nevermind, saw the iGnite clan. I'm applying now.
  14. mm distance? so does that mean if you don't have crystals (like you're too poor to buy them :'( like me) its best not to be a sweeper? and yea i'm a burner :p its fun and i love how they think that they are so pro cuz you keep failing :lol: :lol: