old player requiring help please

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Cr1tch, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. Hey guys,

    I have recently returned to the game after 2-3 years out and alot has changed. I was wondering if someone would be able to help me out starting again with some answers to my questions.

    1. Are hansels and osf still viable and top tier?
    2. If not what's the best build to go?
    3. How should this build be done?

    Also any general tips on how to play the game these days would be much appreciated thanks.

  2. Look at the guide forum section and you'll see the "new handbook guide to kaw" or something...
  3. Yeah I read through that and then fallens build guide but it.Just explains the basics of the builds and not what's affective currently.
  4. Nothing's really changed build wise , except more stats, and more turtle builds(towers)

    If you still wanna roll hansel do SOS on lowlands , volaries highlands, unkari I've tree on hoarfrost, then the new building on the new lands
  5. Is it still a good build though or would it be more beneficial to go and attack build?
  6. Hansels always were an exploit build anyway. Designed for ppl too scared to get hit.

  7. I resent that comment lol
  8. That kinda doesn't answer my question haha
  9. Give me 60 seconds, I have the perfect answer.
  10. I heard full stables is good.️
  11. This is called the Spragga build. I have one for EE ans i dominate. Simply build 23 stables, 1 guild, hire Redstar, and you win.
  12. Hansel's are still a fun build and fast growing as a spy build
  13. Seems legit
  14. @Milone you think you can EE with that broken sword? :lol: #StealingGifs4Lyfe
  15. Here's what you do.

    Get a bank loan
    Buy 10 devices
    Max Nob and xstals every day on all accounts
    Max seal every day on every account

    Still wouldn't be able to catch lb
  16. Does have a fair point 
  17. Lmao
  18. Try to ask your clanmate or in wc.... In builds, search an author named 'wulf' in forums and find his 'build guide' or something... It just show an info about builds