Old Material to promote new growth players

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TF-_MonKey-Nuts_-TF, May 13, 2015.

  1. Bring Back The Old Material!

    I have seen numerous threads about how to promote new player to stay to like kaw and grow.

    There has been some great ideas and some well... i dont know myself to class it as a idea. This is because new ideas always comes with pros and cons to them all.

    I can personally say kaw has has gone some right direction to promote new players but are also forgetting ideas they have done in the past. So here is my or KAWS idea really. To help kaw and the community reconised this thread to promote back the material that was soo successful in the past.

    Remember a few years ago (basically when I have started). There was was a promo every so often for an example...

    Ambush x3 plunder!
    The Reck x2 plunder!
    Origins x3 plunder!

    So on and so on.

    Yes, kaw has released a free head start of 24 low lands and plunder spell which is a great idea but where will they be when that plunder spell runs out. What will they do?
    Delete the game?
    Still with 20 odd free lands to go?
    Or will they have that moral spirit to start rock bottom to reach up there to the top ranks?

    Bringing back this idea will so make use of that plunder spell for for a great start and promote huge for the lower rank clans to also grow and not to disband their clans.

    This can be adapt to bigger epic battles but you can all discuss below :)

    Its my first time creating ideas so i hope for great honest responses because i really think this is worth while thinking about.
  2. Increased lower tier plunder would be great as weekend promo kind of things to entice new players to come on at least a week to start the addiction :p. Permanent increases wouldn't be a bad thing as such but new players would never know any different so having it as a "special" event would work better.

    Support to increased lower plunder.
  3. Yep support
  4. Support, in a limited way
  5. Support. The 3x ambush events were stages before HTE came out. Once ATA realized that HTE was more profitable, the 3x disappeared. Would be nice to bring them back.
  6. Support!
    This can also be a daily bonus too :)
  7. Damn, I remember these back in my newb days.

  8. Support! You need to get engage with the game to stay and give any benefit to ata. Besides, what's the point of sealing if you're a lil one? Better get some stats to get a decent plunder.
  9. I promise you, the developers are aware of the progression issue of mid players and are working on improving the experience.

    Rest assured, it won't be ignored guys.
  10. Why would I Say No? .
  11. What progression issue chaos  growing has never being easier you don't need to spend trade or be that active and you can be build complete in a year and great equipment. Are the devs that stupid have they played their game as a starting player since the changes - I doubt it other wise they would realise it's just people crying and the game has got easier and I can guarantee it. As a person that continually creates accounts to test builds and growth paths I can say growing is much easier. A year to get build complete is good you don't want to diminish the accomplishes for the long term players that have being loyal for four years plus - that is why so many vets keep leaving. The fact is this game you can play no matter what size rather than trying to speed growth maybe think of how they can making growing more fun and addictive that size doesn't matter as much - or is it a case that size does matter as well as the way you play it?

    The game is full people expecting something for nothing - be active if you want to grow, trade if you enjoy it and want to grow novel ideas I know. Or just enjoy the game the size they you are - ee set with a tier for new players, put them in a clan from the start. Don't give them lands give them a spell that gives them plunder bonus and max plunder no allies for 3 weeks and put them autatically in a clan ran by mods or vk ( I'm sure Sean would volunteer bless his kind soul).

    Tbh playing small accounts can be more fun.
  12. ^ That's.... A very good point.....
    Had changed my support again.......
  13. Never been easier aye? Lol
  14. what do you see in world chat that's more dominated you will likely to see...
    .hte,tsg,ss,ts,aff odd asof and that new eb here and there.
    I never see hardly a epic battle any lower than a normal haunting and still newcomers find it hard to hit that. Like i said at the start this will so bring players and news clans out of their comfort zone to grow better.
  15. The point of the game has always been Game Completion. Without constant HTE, the expectation of making 100T for the normal non-spending player is unrealistic.

    Hence why in the past, devs have bridged the gap by cutting the price of the previous tiers in half. Given HF haven't been here longer then 18 months, I doubt they'll be price cut so soon. In the future though, given another year or two, I wouldn't doubt it tbh.

    From what I've seen, Non-spending low-mid players do normal haunting, RoTWB and destroyer when they have the chance b2b. The pay for those EB's is decent and it's the best alternative when HTE is not around.

    Too many assume dependence on HTE, hence why devs made these new EB's to provide a valid alternative in assisting to max.

    Currently players who join get all the LL unlocked free of charge. I don't see a problem to incentivize more newer players to grow faster as the OP suggests.

    Just my two cents tho! :p
  16. The problem isn't with ebs and growth, it's with sheer boredom. Thankfully, the players created something that has kept this game fun all these years... OSW. The only time where the name "A thinking ape" actually applies.
    The devs need to think way outside the box on this one... So here's my idea.
    Epic Quests.
    Your clan enters an EQ like they would an old school war (before EE). They have a day to complete it. Players are locked in. The mission... To find a legendary treasure hidden in some kingdom across kaw. They will be given clues from other players that are also in EQ's in their clan. To obtain these clues, the player with the information can give it to them... Extort them for money... (Buy my allies then we'll talk...)... Or if they are enemies, don't say anything. Imagine the manipulation and politics involved... Once the location of the legendary treasure has been discovered, the kingdom with the treasure (which will have no direct knowledge that they hold the treasure) will hold on to their buttcheeks as they prepare for the att/stl onslaught from the treasure seeking clan. Alliances will be foraged and wars will be declared over the deceit and manipulation that could develop.
    Make the payout significantly worth it (10-50 X an HTE payout with mith) have a selection of epic quests (just like in the player quest line) from very easy to very hard (very hard might entail taking a treasure from Redstar ). Ease of obtaining information and information available could be categorized accordingly too.
    Any thoughts? Troll my idea all you want.
  17. Hi bob long time mate hope your okay and not in a place with mushrooms ;)
  18. Haven't used psilocybin in over a decade. 
    We need real ideas. Thinking outside the box. Not ways to improve "epic bores." Something that actually makes the developers' name worth something. Lately, I've only been a thinking ape while at the same time, I could also be a stinking ape...  KaW isn't worth much more of my time.