Old Equipment

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IronBarbatos, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. Anyone remember how these equipment were earned? (Not the axe.) They're old, don't remember how I got em.
  2. I have them too.

    They were obtained through the original 2009 pro packs. They are no longer available.
  3. They're the old KaW versions - back when there were like 4 different editions on the app store (Scout was one, I think Spy was another)
  4. Land completion I guess

  5. Oh yea thank you now I remember... The weird app ones lol.
  6. I remember the mercenary one.
  7. Scout and Defender
  8. Attack!
  9. Weren't they also given out for land completing your LL?
  10. Are you referring to the reset bonuses items?
  11. Lmfao not sure if my equipment is old or not. Still gotta buy the chaos pack before it goes outta style. Either way #like a boss
  12. Yea, those were 2009 pro packs
  13. Were those pro packs available in 2009 only?
  14. My original account has the Orb. It looks nice but gives almost no stats.
  15. No I got mine in spring 2010
  16. The editions were Guardian, Sabotage and Siege. There was also a Crystal version and one that only had a number 6 on the bottom left corner. Each pro pack had its own item. The reset ones I don't remember. But I think they vanished from my inventory.