ok I am new so please help?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by MM-Soup31-MM, May 19, 2013.

  1. I just cast war spell. Idk what it is or does. Can someone explain it to me. What do I need? Pots? Anything? Please help me?
  3. It means you have now opted yourself into the next Estoc War. You don't need pots to participate but as your going to get attacked a lot you should have pots.

    An estoc war is a 2 hour war between 2 clans. Your clan will get matched up with another clan with about the same strength.
  4. If your clan is warring.
  5. When will it start?
  6. Home page - help tab - the Estoc trials
  7. I don't think it will hurt anything as long as your clan doesn't sign up. I've seen lots of ppl cast wave just to keep people from buying their allies.