oh good another pissant zaft clan

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Barbarous, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. It's such a shame that zaft can't at least train their new clans but at least they leave them to twist in the wind. Perhaps they would like to join the barbarian family where they will get real help
  2. Thats cute you guys can beat warbeasts and cover of night!

    But honestly quit being an attention whore.
  3. It's a fake. Stop attention whoring.
  4. Idk ZAFT seems to be doing pretty well to me... And who's the Barbarian family again? Lmao
  5. I should just make you my perm farm
  6. make me your perma farm instead. I'm noob
  7. Demon now offence but he would **** you over... but I support you 100%
  8. I don't see him doing this
  9. Lol you're not even in ZAFT, Faith.
  10. I think maybe it's another fake case like the fake omet of a few weeks ago.
  11. Kind of obvious. Easy to tell from stats and equipment.
  12. Someone day taco I like me some tacos.
  13. Nope I WAS ZAFT that's FOR SURE but I left ehhh I'd say a month ago?
  14. What zaft clan is he talking about?

    Sry i dont keep myself updated on the doings of zaft
  15. Op you speak the truth sorry all these zaft alt have to mews up a good fourm funny thing is all the zaft alts that stank up my fourms are here to zaft your such a sissy clam trust me farming zaft is the most fun I had in kaw so far