OFFICIAL Summer War Practice Round Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by II____SICARIO___II, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. Now we are 3 hours into the practice round - no doubt you all have many thoughts, gripes and suggestions

    I for one am not a fan of the auto join - this means in future I will need to build the clan based on the war times and who can be most active

    I am also not a fan of not being able to hit anyone outside of the opposing clan.

    Please discuss your thoughts/gripes/suggestions below

  2. My thought:
    I hate it. It's messing up my random farming because I can't hit people in it
  3. A lot of people don't like the auto join in my clan.

    I do see why the devs won't allow any outside hits.They want the war tournament to be Fair

    In the future I hope outside clans can't strip while your in summer wars.
  4. Don't like the auto join. The only good thing is if your active when it starts you can just **** up the other team
  5. Flint/dragon
    Since when the hell did you decide you were a farmer?
  6. With not being able to attack people in a summer war this will provide an avenue for clans to hide from osw - this is frustrating.

    I would like to know how the summer roster works, once you enter do you then have to participate in every war? Can you join half way through? Will you know opponents in advance ?
  7. The auto join feature does need to be changed. There are those of us that aren't able to join the war right when it starts due to work, church, whatever the reason may be. It's not entirely fair to get auto joined without the chance to defend oneself. But hey, wars not fair, I get that too.
  9. At least the auto join means there is action from the start
  10. Auto join or manual, doesn't really matter. What pisses me off is the lack of info regarding the specifics of the war. System wars are set up in a way that one can plan how they will approach the war. Given that, to not give any info on how going active for this tournament would work, the ability to plan goes right down the drain. Add to that many players asking about this exact topic on the official thread and getting no info from kaw admin, we are left to depend on the reliability of the info given by a mod(pg 17, summer war thread, meisha). Meisha had said entering the war would be done via manual activation, which is what alot of players, myself included, used to plan for the war.. Turns out that info was incorrect and 1 hr(approx) before war, all were auto joined. At this point, some players were not even around to know about the change, thinking they would be able to join when they could be active.. My opinion, a complete **** up, that could have been totally avoided had the correct info be given by kaw admin to begin with. My thoughts anyway.
  11. I was LMAO when flint posted that to Mr. Chuck Norris Sir.
  12. Oh, and I am in no way implying the fault lies with meisha. She is only mentioned because she was the mod who responded to the players inquiries. The fault lies solely with kaw admin for not giving the info in the first place..
  13. I personally like the auto-join, it stops it being a 24-hour turtle war, and makes the war all about capitalizing on leaks.
  14. However if I had been on the other side of the war (check clan history) perhaps my view would be quite the opposite...
  15. I would like to see an after war report that fully details each players actions and impact , this would help war commanders in future
  16. Love auto join... No more turtle bs. Love no outside hits... Must be frustrating for my osw opponent knowing they can't touch my main.

    No complaints
  17. The whole auto join thing doesn't make sense, as some players weren't auto joined and some were. And as stated before, as long as they told us that before hand I don't think that would of been an issue.
  18. I didn't even get to war we were going up against BMW Owners and they had so many people leave that they had to forfeit reall pissed all my clan off
  19. My clan didn't even get to war we were up against BMW Owners and they had so many people leave they didn't meet the 50min requirement so they had to forfeit really pissed of my clan