**Official Butthurt Thread For War #3 (INCLUDING ME)**

Discussion in 'Wars' started by I_I_I-DarkAce07-I_I_I, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. So i was just drinking a nice cuppa coffe when I saw this:
    Cmon devs, this is starting to get too bad to be funny...i heard there 28 v 60 out there as well...
    But for my clan and any clan out there, when a clan has more than 4 thirds of you warrior count, there is no way too win a war..

    This needs fixing, and this isnt the first time my clan has recieved horrible mathch-ups like this...
    A little idea for fixing this is going through my mind, so look out for that :)
    For all of them ppl that are going to say 'your just butthurt'; of course im buthurt (ps, butthurt cream didnt work :lol: )

    Brilliantly said :lol: :lol:

  2. Lmfao. My side has 51 other side has 34. Math ups have gone out the window
  3. Lol 
  4. ~~Horrible Match Ups~~
    -RCA- {83} vs MurDer War. {51}
    NIGHT'S WATCH of CASTLE BLACK {43} vs V-Hawks {58}
    Guilds Inc {51} vs Pillars of Chaos {34}
    GHC Syndicate {60} vs White-Knights-Kingdom {28}
  5. And so has spelling and grammar lol @Val
  6. Wow. U can win. Just strip !!!!
  7. shh hulk
  8. How about 83v51 
  9. If I was your side, I'd let them get loads of plunder. Just before two hour mark target the top 5 plunderers and take loads of plunder just to Piss them off.
  10. Assass barrage #1 plunderer. He'll be gutted when looses 400m from a KO
  11. Make sure your clan has those mass xstal times planned out well.
  12. Another wonderful match up devs, thanks a million 
  13. Oh you know they only have about 900 more actions of the start while being the stronger team... No big deal devs.
  14. They really just need to reinstate mithril purchases until they get these EE War fiascos sorted out.

    No matter what they try to do right now it ends in the same result...mismatched wars and blowouts. Which leads to even fewer participants the next round.
  15. Ok dev's, your calendars are wrong - April Fools Day is a few weeks away. 43 v 58 in a war, surely you are joking right?

  16. Lol, they said their "no-matchup" feature was successful last week. They also said that this week they will remove it and test this feature parallel to our normal matchups (without this feature) to see if it really improves matchups or not.
  17. It's pay back for rejecting the crystal idea. :shock:
  18. EDIT: Our clan is 45 in strength. Enemy clan is 46 in strength, both of us have 26 members. 