Offers For Nobilities

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by xXP_3Xx_FittestSurvive_xXP_3Xx, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. Please be honest about what we really need to do to get the rewards, not just what you think we like to hear(read) to get the rewards n waste 15-30 minutes filling out all our info n emails end up getting nothing. Dont bother put those offers where all you need is n email submit to get rewards, you dont get anything even after subscribing to their partners affiliates offers
  2. i agree with OP from some people thwy work but for lots it doesnt
  3. Have been told certain ones work..although I lose my faith and patience with these when the description reads "Complete the survey" and then their are 20 survey/offer links that must be completed in order to fulfill the requirement.

    I dont know however that KAW devs can do much because they are only (to some degree) affiliated with the actual "survey" company which I believe is fyber. Correct me if Im wrong please
  4. Please please just contact tapjoy devs. Literally every other game has tapjoy and it's 100% reliable...
  5. I made a petition for this lol. Its well known by ATA. I contacted them on multiple occasions about it.
  6. Yes ata cannot regulate what offers are offered. Fyber is trash. Thats all we need to know. And as karma said " if you don't like it don't use it" (im being sarcastic in the quote because thats a horrible statement)
  7. I loved my offers the other day. Free nobility
    Ok so every single link offer I had was for a betting app
    Make an account.
    Add £10 to that account.
    Play that account.
    And receive free nobility

    Now it may just be my logic being warped.
    But spending £10 to earn free nobility seems a little self defeating in the objective. 
  8. Some of the offers cost money to complete, it tells you for each offer.
  9. Hello, if you are not familiar with how those types of systems work you should know it can take up to 48 hours for you to be credited the nobility for signing up, or taking a survey
  10. True but Fyber genuinely scams people consistently.
  11. I totally agree
    I filled in the required forms on the belief that nobility was to be forth coming
    I have spent hours blocking numbers and emails (Australia) to get ZERO nobility in return
    I am at the end of the free nobility deception.
    Check my history TA YOU WILL SEE 0 Nobility been added for your so called get free to be spammed by unsolicited time wasting Cretans
  12. I do a lot of offers and have gotten several hundred nobs overall. I have NEVER gotten nobs that were delayed more than ~30min. 48h is for when their servers are swamped, and because they're awful, nobody uses them, so their servers are never swamped.
  13. Okay so go down the list you enter fake info then register and hit continue or skip for everything other than initial address, phone number, etc and then when you get to end youll know you hit back to kaw in the top left and id say 2/10 work and i get free stays in hte clans permanently because i can normally make around 100 nobs a day. You really just gotta learn the system.
    Also the offer will either reward you right away or within 15 minutes in my experience most often right away if it will work.
    Never enter any of your own valid numbers and info or you will be called me hundreds of places.
  14. still waiting for rewards from3 months ago where are tbey
  15. I've entered valid information and not been awarded. I literally got nothing, not even spam
  16. I did I believe 15 to 20 in one sitting, the first 5 worked, all the other ones are still pending. And that was weeks ago
  17. Offers have mysteriously disappeared
  18. I did the Leo Vegas account one the other day, still no notibility and I reported it and have never had an email back about it. Real bad service.
  19. I've used email addresses that are only for this nobility bs. But always use mostly fake info. You have to use a real address or you get nothing good day sir. That being said I must have used my real address one night because I got a bunch of ore approved credit cards under various different names I made beware.
  20. I use the student mailing address of the university in town. They reject mail without a box number (as there are thousands of students who live on campus and use it), but it's definitely verifiable.