I need from you Fake name (user or made up name or nickname) Age (any age above 17 please!) Weapons (snipers: berret .50 m16 m4a1...ect) Backstory(optional) Please i will to be a good writer and will love the feed back. I need 5 characters _Achmed_
A little summery of it 6 friends went off and signed up for the military. 1 will be M.I.A one will be K.I.A. Will the other 4 go looking for them? Will they be to late? Is the dead body they find one of there friends?
I forgot i need a few people to play a few roles 1. For drill sargent 3 for other people in bt and in action
Name: Zoe Grigori Age: 23 Weapons: She's a sniper, but can handle herself in hand-to-hand-combat. I don't know what sniper-weapon she should have, you pick something Backstory: Her father was an old military veteran and when he died, she decided to join the army. Her mother tried to stop her, but Zoe still joined. She did so to honor her father's memory.
Name: Seraph Age:24 Weapon: Duel Pistols Backstory: He joined the military when he was 17. He has been specially trained in Hand to hand combat but he can still use long ranged weapons.
Name: James Age: 34 Weapons: 1)Mjolnir, a highly advanced prototype pistol that fires with the force of a train. 2)Valkyrie, another prototype, a medium-range automatic rifle with heat-seeking rounds.(it doesn't work) 3)Thor MkII - the most advanced weapon in the military, capable of superhuman speed and strength, part of an experiment to manipulate time. However, the only instances in which time can be slowed down even a little is when the suit is overcharged (reactor power, lightning, etc) Backstory: James was once a part of an elite group of assassins, which never failed once. At some point, he agreed to take part in the Thor experiment, donning an extremely dangerous suit to test time control. To this day, the suit has not worked, but the materials in it are having an effect on his mind. Evil, please!
Weapons: M16A4 and an M9 Backstory: Lost his brother to the army. He had almost nothing left to live for, so he joined the army as well.
Name: Sor Gender: Male Age: 23 Weapons: AA-12, Obstander (experimental assault rifle/sniper rifle combo), flashbangs and frag grenades, Ito (blade that can be shortened/lengthened with buttons). Armor: Sectioned steel armor (complete coverage with movement impediment only from the slight weight) Backstory: All he remembers is being on an operating table... Skills: Fast, can climb walls, good hearing and sight, a great sniper.
Name: Jace Age: 19 Weapons: Throwing knife, 2 Daggers, TalonHR-4HS with thermal scope(sniper), Strata SV-400 (Machine Gun) Backround: Saw his family die. He kills every person responsible...