Oblivion - Recruitment thread !

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Liquid, Feb 13, 2016.

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  1. Hello everyone!
    Here is the recruitment thread of Oblivion! Let's start with a little story :)

    In a land where kingdoms are rule by a King, where the power is held in one hand, a young man was going to change his world.

    He was name William, a young man, strong and courageous. He was a soldier in the army and knew how bad people were treated in his kingdom. He also knew no one liked it, but everyone was fearing the King. He got the idea of changing the way and make his kingdom free again from this tyranny. It was the moment to change, to make his kingdom better and finally, give hope to people.

    Every day, he was talking to close friends about his idea, trusting them. The idea of a rebellion was so much incrusted in William’s head that he didn’t thought someone could talk about it to the king.

    At the day of the rebellion, William was so excited, finally the kingdom could be free. There was 25 man, all ready to fight and give their life to this cause.

    William was heading out of his small house and two guys armed quickly run into him and smash his head. When we woke up, he was in jail and the king was standing in front of him.

    “Nice try, maybe if you could have better friends it would have worked”, said the King.
    “NO, LET ME FREE” said William
    “You will never see this world again” said the King, holding a potion in his hand.

    The king forced him to drink the potion, and when William woke up, he didn’t remember who he was, nor where he was, but realised one thing, he was in complete Oblivion.

    So... What is Oblivion exactly?

    Oblivion is a place where you can have fun and relax at the same time as growing! We are one of the numerous new clan in a day, but this is the place to go if you wanna learn. We are not the most "knowledgeous (new word)" player in KaW, but we know a lot !
    We are actually recruiting at 1m CS + and trying to run B2B Haunt fast and eventually bigger eb, but for the moment, we will stay at this.
    We will run unlock every week or so, stay alert!

    Few simple rules

    -We are highly support 1vs1 – Don’t bring drama in CC, please report to an admin if there is any issues
    -Want to go out for LL war or EE? We are encouraging the war system and to try it!
    -Don’t be shy to ask questions, we are here to help you! :)
    -We require good activity, we are going to check activity once a week, maybe more! If you are kicked, it’s nothing personal, making space to run eb fast and smoothly.
    -Finally, have FUN!


    We don't have any alliances/family yet. We are not currently looking for one actually, but we are open to discussion.

    Finally, everyone is welcome to join, so come and join our fun! :D
  2. Eh I preferred Morrowind.
  3. Lovely thread !
    Looks like a great clan and I've known Liquid and he will be a great leader!
  4. I see what you did there OP. Its not Oblivion, its Obiivion.
  5. Thank you!
    I know... can't blame when it says "Name already used" but doesn't work when you search it :(
  6. Liquid is from clan annihilation, so its very likely he hasn't been properly toilet trained.
  7. Only prooved you are never done with things, can't get over it... I'll ask gently to leave my thread, wanna talk to me? come in pm, I'll talk to you very gently, because I learned to move on to something else...
  8. Support, I've talked to you few times and seems a good person
  9. Leave your thread? For what? Having an opinion on an open public forum that doesn't say "support"

    You condescending little low life. You want gentle  for brains?

    Go stick your stupid fail clan where the sun don't shine.
  10. ^You didn't post an opinion, you posted an insult directed at Liquid...

    For no raisin.
  11. Insulting me for no reason, I did nothing lol... Is that the rage from all the fail you got on me with your main and alt ? I am polite and doesn't rage/insult like you, have a good day

  12. Lol salty?
  13. And finally skinny, gonna quote your thread

    "When a player resorts to personal attacks instead of in-game insults. They already lost."

    I still have a low life ? o_O

    EDIT : No more answer to you, not worth the time.
  14. Lol filling up my feed now skinny must prove u are most definitely salty coming after a low stat player like me rofl
  15. You're pathetic man... 

    Anyways good luck with clan
  16. Quickly run into him and smash his head :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. Support - Good luck with the clan hope all goes well mate 
  18. Actually. That guy chronos is right. It was un-called for. I apologise. Good luck with the clan
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