Obamacare's next hurdle

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by buckeye36, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. So as many of us already know, Obamacare (Or the ACA) has been a real **** show since it's implementation. With the most recent midterms, we have seen a complete rejection of everything Obama and his party (except for a few minor victories on minimum wage and legalized marijuana). That being said, the new Congress could argue and push for a full repeal of the ACA.

    A recent news scandal broke revealing a statement made by one of the Architects of the bill, saying it was passed based off "the stupidity of the American Voter". If you're getting Deja Vu, it's probably from President Obama's campaign promise a couple years ago... "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor". Sound familiar? Here is a link to the story.

    http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volo ... ignorance/

    Another suggestion by Forbes is that the White House could be playing with the numbers intentionally to make it appear like the bill is a lot more successful than it is. This is a suggestion that is not a surprise to many like myself who have other news sources besides the mainstream media (who glosses over these huge issues). Here is the link to that story.

    http://www.forbes.com/sites/scottgottli ... obamacare/

    What are our opinions on this? Is the ACA good or bad? What can be done to correct it? Can it even be corrected?

    This is an issue of healthcare quality, and not burdening families.

    Why do we continue to believe a dishonest government? This will lead to my next thread. What can be done to correct the uninformed from voting? This does not mean taking their vote, it means how can we MAKE them be informed before they vote? This is also not indoctrination. I think the solution is to make sure the media reports everything of significance, not picking sides and being partisan. (MSNBC, FOX NEWS, CNN)
  2. Obama supports legalization? Since when?
  3. Many of us know you're clueless.

  4. "and his party"...
  5. I know that because of the affordable care act, dozens of my employees at my restaurant are getting insurance for little next to nothing. They love it!
  6. I thought Colorado and Alaska were red states?
  7. Why do we support a dishonest gvmnt?

    same reason you believe what you read on the internet.

    The american voter IS stupid.
  8. Obama drama can take care of THIS DICK!
  9. Okay... accusations is step 1. Step 2 is to maybe back up this claim. Just a suggestion of course.
  10. And also i love how we never see liberals making threads about how terrible the conservative beliefs are.

    Seems like yall conservatives a little jealous of the liberals.

    "Holy crap obamacare is a great idea. Why didnt we think of this? lets make it seem terrible so we dont look stupid"
  11. You caught us, oops
  12. ACA has become a "wedge issue" for your country. Both sides think they can make political hay from it. Here is what will happen.

    ACA will "survive", but it will be nothing like it is currently. Obama has changed much if ACA via executive fiat, which means the next president can do the same.

    Also, Americans want fixes, and the republicans are already talking about repealing certain aspects of the law.

    Will a full repeal happen? I don't think that's an important question, because, the bill will be changed to the point where it is nothing like it is today.

    Currently, however, the republicans will make as much hay with it as they can, and, to be honest, when Obamas minions say such things as they did publically, its hard not to take the ball and run with it.

    Is Obama care bad? In my opinion, if it mirrors Canada care, then yea, its bad. This is why, prior to Obama care, we woiod visit America for important medical procedures. Shorter waits in your country. But, that's just my opinion.

    Conservatives will believe this is terrible, and lefties will love it, no matter what.

    As a side note, over 144 thousand ads on the horrors of Obama care were run for these last mid term elections, and it was a republican wipeout, so, Obama care Is still front and center in the American psyche, and it seems the majority are not pleased, despite what ever left wing factoids may be tossed out there.
  13. You wouldnt know.

    You believe what they put on the internet.

    And evertone knows you cant put anything on the internet that isnt true.

    Go find some facts, be open minded, and stop sucking the repubs dicks.
  14. This opened my mind. HILLARY2016!!!!
  15. Looks like an "ad hominum" attack to me. I could say the same thing about black-dragons links, but, instead prefer to keep rebuttals on an intellectual level
  16. You could be the next Fox News reporter for all i care.
  17. Oh the sarcasm. Typical republican "im being beat in a debate? lets make jokes and pretend its all good."

    I dont side with liberals either but you republican imbeciles dont do your party any justice.
  18. Every single one of you have disagreed with the premise of this tread so far but have offered nothing of substance in rebuttal. Just accusations and name calling. I don't want to characterize ALL liberals as this way, but you sure are making it very hard.
  19. Sarcasm is the only response for your vulgar comments. As I stated before, substance is key.
  20. I could to, but i try to avoid his and vipers posts.

    They have no intellectual thought put into them.

    At least this has some sort of realistic basis.

    But again, you never see the liberals create propoganda like this.

    And i personally like many republicans. I dont like the idiots that try to make their party all high and mighty.

    Both parties are stupid. The liberals are just more quiet about their lack of intelligence.