Obama vs. Putin

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan_WINNING, Feb 19, 2016.

  1. Recently there was an anti-smoking ad in Russia which stated that "smoking kills more people than Obama (and Obama kills a lot)". Obviously this is Russian propaganda, but it IS true. Obama has been responsible for about 4 million deaths related to warfare and the toppling of governments since he first took office in 2008.

    Obviously the USA has had a big military role in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and some other countries, and has killed millions of innocent people. Compared to Obama, Putin's meddling in Ukraine and the Caucasus really doesn't seem like much. Then when you compare Putin to America during the Cold War, it gets far worse. Pro-America Dictatorships were set up almost everywhere in South America, leading to millions of deaths, and conflicts such as Vietnam were also very bad.

    What would we think if Putin killed 4 million people? I think that the USA's aggression on the world stage has made it easy for other countries to do the same, simply by stating that America has done it before with no consequences, so why can't they?

    Thoughts? Is America good and is Russia evil? Are both countries equally bad? Is Putin a dictator? Is America an oligarchy due to a regressive campaign finance system?
  2. People are bad.
  3. I think both countries are evil, you cant get to a position of world power like that with ethics or morals. Right now thou ive got to give the super villian role to america. The lengths they go to for oil...
  4. Obama isn't done killing people yet. How many people do you think Obama care will kill? I bet it's plenty.
  5. As for America, no. America isn't evil. America works for its own interests, but that alone doesn't make it evil.

    When disasters strike all over the world, America is there to lend a hand. Sure, America has done terrible things, and it's current leader is a boob, but, for its warts, America is not evil.
  6. The US always had been looking out for itself just think about.
  7. America has been bad for a long time now probably 1913ish (my opinion) but we front on being the bringers of peace and all that good they tell you.
  8. I'm very curious to see sources on that "4 million" figure.
  9. Putin is a tyrant. However, he does have some good agendas and makes decent arguments (I specifically support Russia's thoughts on handling Syria). Obama cannot even negotiate with Republicans, much less Putin, making Obama just unreasonable. So you can't fault Putin for dissing Obama.
  10. Who even let you be mod? I thought mods had to be intelligent.
  11. Op you used plural "governments" that obama has "toppled", please, name one.

    I'd also like to see your source on 4milion deaths, because several sources I've checked all say 680-975 innocent people have died in wars started by Obama
  12. Didn't he bomb Syria Libya and Iraq?
  13. Syria hasn't been overthrown (also that's a civil war), Iraq was by Dubya.

    Libya though..
  14. I think he's currently working on toppling America. He hasn't toppled it yet, but, he still has about 8 months left
  15. Who said mods couldn't have opinions and viewpoints. Apparently statless Alts don't have to be intelligent.
  16. The last time a black man was treated this badly by a Russian, Apollo Creed died
  17. u wut m8? it's propaganda but it's true?

    Also i support this anti smoking ad.
    (Not cause I'm russian or because i make blood sacrifices to both putin and lord gaben)

    Jokes aside..

  18. I got the figure from a Guardian article that I read a week ago. Guardian is a liberal news company in the UK. It's pretty dependable, and obviously the figure changes based on what your consider killing to be.

    If you're really skeptical, then you can go to that article, and check the source out.
  19. Lol sorry for these strawman arguments. If I were to get sources for everything it would be a waste of time.

    In my opinion he was the best choice in both the 2008 and 2012 elections. McCain, Palin, Paul and Romney were all morons (the Jews came from America? Really?). Clinton in 2008 was a bad choice as well. Obama was the only candidate who had a chance to win. His biggest failure was that he lost the house of Representatives, in large part due to nobody voting (less than 50% voting rate, really??), and also gerrymandering/taking away voting rights. (Seen in the changing of voting areas, and by taking away voting rights of people with criminal records, who are disproportionately black, who have been unfairly imprisoned. Blacks and whites have same rate of marijuana use, but blacks are far more likely to be arrested for marijuana use.)

    That being said, I think Obama is pretty conservative. Obamacare is inefficient in terms of cost, and should be replaced by universal health care.
  20. I consider it propaganda because it's false considering the situation he was dealt (he inherited a military conflict) and it's being used to reinforce the idea that America is evil and that Russia is great. A propaganda tactic they have been doing since WWII.