Obama or Romney?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *TinyStream (01), Sep 30, 2012.

  1. Yes, I know there are many of these threads. I just made mine to do it.


    Now, I vote for Romney if you want to know (dont take that personally) Though I want to know who you all want to be president.
  2. I vote for roleplaying noobs like you to stop posting.
  3. Wow. Spam much?
  4. You told someone to stop spamming threads, who I have seen only one thread by them, and you make a thread that you know is spam.
  5. How about no?

    We just had one of these a couple days ago...
  6. He said "Spam much?". One can infer he is labeling this individual thread as spam, not just the act of spamming.
  7. Yes, I try to help KaWers from spamming, yet I do it myself (not on purpose) but it may be cause I'm too tired to think straight? And atleast once in your life you fail. Sometimes you fail more than once, like me. Everyone makes mistakes. I recommend for mods to lock.
  8. If you're too tired to think straight then don't make a thread!

  9. I think we already have enough of these threads. :|