Numbers required for ee wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by King_Beno, May 11, 2013.

  1. Hi everyone,

    I would like your opinion on the min numbers required for ee wars. I think 25 is to high for a lot of clans, 15 would be better.

    What do you think? Thanks for your time have a nice day.
  2. Support for a few 1 hr 10 member max wars. Why not.
  3. That has nothing to do with OP's suggestion...
  4. i fail to see the logic..
    15 members? thats just a brawl, not a war...
  5. and your quote does. all apologies op. just rambling nonsense here.
  6. thanks for your time hope to get lots of feed back
  7. I think it's a decent idea, prob won't be considered or taken into account though 
  8. 15 is so small. Many clans like mine r constantly limiting r numbers to get a match.
  9. I like the current numbers. Not too big, not too little. Just right.
  10. Yes but if min was to 15 more clans would war
  11. Support this idea its help to increse ee war clans and small clans also got chance for war.
  12. I believe it's a good idea, everyone should get an opportunity to war. Many clans can't war even if they want to, due to less members. With minimum 15 members every clan can war.I relate to Beno's idea.
  13. Thanks for you views
  14. Support more smaller clans could war making smaller members want to war.
  15. How about we compromise and agree on 20? :p
  16. I also support for beno's idea. Till now I have seen only 30-40 clans sign up for war but if Kaw reduced that to minimum 15 members we can see more clan will be signing up. Even the smaller clans also should get to join the ee wars and not just top.
  17. If it helps more clans to start warring then hitting ebs, then I think the idea of reduced numbers is worth looking at even if it outside of a tournament/ season wars
  18. Honestly I don't see why there's minimums and maximums anyway. People should be able to field whoever they want, if they end up being the oddball too low or too high they'll just no match. No big deal.