Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. War #6 -> CHAOS RIFT OPENS AND EVERYTHING CHANGES (it's an experiment)
    Duration: 1 hour
    Type: Advantage
    KO: 5 to 10 minutes (you can come out 5 minutes early if you choose)
    Health Crystals: 3
    DTW/DTS: Turned OFF
    Roster Size: 15
    PST - Friday - 4am-4:30am
    EST - Friday - 7am-7:30am
    GMT - Friday - 12pm-12:30pm
    SGT - Friday - 8pm-8:30pm

    War #7 -> CHAOS RIFT OPENS AND EVERYTHING CHANGES (it's an experiment)
    Duration: 1 hour
    Type: Advantage
    KO: 5 to 10 minutes (you can come out 5 minutes early if you choose)
    Health Crystals: 3
    DTW/DTS: Turned OFF
    Roster Size: 15
    PST - Friday - 11am-11:30am
    EST - Friday - 2pm-2:30pm
    GMT - Friday - 7pm-7:30pm
    SGT - Saturday - 3am-3:30am

    War #8 -> CHAOS RIFT OPENS AND EVERYTHING CHANGES (it's an experiment)
    Duration: 1 hour
    Type: Advantage
    KO: 5 to 10 minutes (you can come out 5 minutes early if you choose)
    Health Crystals: 3
    DTW/DTS: Turned OFF
    Roster Size: 15
    PST - Friday - 5pm-5:30pm
    EST - Friday - 8pm-8:30pm
    GMT - Saturday - 1am-1:30am
    SGT - Saturday - 9am-9:30am
  2. I like how these Chaos wars are going. Good job devs with ee- to bad I am unable to participate in them but I do enjoy how you are experimenting with ee.

  4. You went to far on cutting the gh thing DEVS to far.........
  5. Devs, pls consider x3 Mith payout for x3 xtals in one hr war. Will incentivize clans to war and help us enchant red paladin equipment which is expensive and prone to fails. Thanks 
  6. Im gonna stop warring for now
  7. Not warring until these 3 xstal wars are done. Hopefully soon....
  8. Something to keep in mind guys, just because you can crystal 3 times doesnt mean you will have to.
  9. also we won't make this the norm but we got a lot of request from the other timezones to try it out.
  10. Ah gotcha, KaW. Thanks. Not a problem then if it's just a temporary thing.
  11. The dtw/dts being turned off is bad. Means smaller builds will be destroyed and sat on by larger builds and even if the smaller guys manage to stay up and can hit out of their range it would mostly just result in fails and be pointless

    Only advantage i can see is if you are controlling the other team ko then smaller builds can help scout baby sit

    My main concerns are devs that you are taking away a a vital and important strategic skill based fun part of chaos wars which is tracking . I and many others have worked and practiced hard to become good trackers and with these new changes you are rendering us near enough useless

    With random advantage ko and 3 x crystals we would only realistically be able to track up untill the first ko and then after that it would be impossible making the only way of doing it to constantly sweep

    And with the dts/dtw being removed as well i think all you have done is make things harder rather than fairer. As now we would have to sweep the entire roster rather than our grouped designated targets.
  12. You can still track with the advantage and 3x xtal usage. You just need to bring your A game tracking skills to the table. Its really chaotic to track but your clan members can help you make it easy if you all work togther as a team. I have done it and its fun but 3x extra work to make your tracking successful.
  13. Annoyed so if ur level resets tomorrow and u don't have 3 crystals then what? And Black Friday is a joke
  14. Devs reduced GH hit ratio,pvp plunder,eb plunder.
    So was it really required?
    1. Gh Hit Ratio - Yes it was necessary.Big stats shouldnt be spanked by little Guild hansels.
    2. GH PvP Plunder/EE Plunder - Yes its true that they make a lot of plunder and pay almost nothing.
    3. Gh Eb Plunder - No sorry disagree with this change.Whats the good use of reducing EB plunder?All New players who join Use the GH build to collect money to grow,unlock lands and stuff.How are they supposed to grow now?Moreover GHs earning lot of plunder from EB isnt of any harm to anyone.
    Atleast let the plunder be the same for a few weeks so The GHs can hit ebs to grow big like the way you tell about the change like 1-2 weeks ago.How r the GHs supposes to collect trillions to grow in a week?
  15. 3wars 9 xtals no warring today, rather buy a bottle of Smirnoff, at least guaranteed a fun time and good end result :)
  16. These wars are gonna be a hard sell with your Black Friday deals.
  17. Can we think about 10 men wars more often? Those are the best ️
  18. i agree, 4 years of constant plunder and now a 30% cutback??? what are you thinking? these highlands and hoarfrost are expensive!!

    why didnt you RAISE everyone's plunder and kept guilds the same! smh really devs! this is an outrage! OUTRAGE!!

    i feel like i've been going to a job for 4 years making $30/hr and my boss just says, hey, by the way because everyone is complaining you make too much, you're only getting $20/hr now.... WHAT!!!

    increase everyone elses plunder to the ratios you want, leave us alone!! return it back to the way it was! horrible devs just horrible! and ruined black friday for everyone!
  19. Yup no war for us .3 xtals in 1 hour is just 2 many