Nothing's New

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ImmortalFaZe_TDT, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. Wow... So I come back after about a month of not playing this terrible trash game, and well would you look at that, nothing is new, same old seals, same old everything. I'm just so disappointed in the amount of money I spent on this game to be honest. I can believe I would ever have spent a penny on this trash. I can't wait till i get to witness the server failing.
    Edit: There's a new forum.... Yay.

    Love you guys, but not the game,
  2. You left for only a month and came back expecting something new?
  3. You know it's not really the length I've been gone, it's kinda just like overall this game is going no where but down. I see no potential and If things haven't changed on this game in like a year and a half or more, It's just sad, and just eh...
  4. What's the point of this thread?
  5. What's the point of this game?
  6. You're going to have to come up with something better than that
  7. If the problem persists please contact

    Thank you for continuing to play this amazing game, and make sure you have a wonderful day...
  8. You don't play. You don't forum. You're here to complain about the game being the same? This forum is for discussion, not complaints. Please email support or use the feedback button if you don't have anything to discuss. I'm not interested in reading your complaints.

    However, if there are specific issues you would like to see changed, you should edit your OP to make that more clear. As it is, you sound like a whiny butthurt noob.

    No offense.
  9. you've played before yet are surprised that no game changing updates were released?

  10. The only trash i see is the OP
  11. Go away and take your negative vibes with you 
  12. Since you hate the game can i have your account?
  13. Faze try hard