norma_jean, oops I meant fail

Discussion in 'Wars' started by deano187, Apr 12, 2014.

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  1. Norma_jean

    Blocked me from your wall for 1 comment. Apparently your a purist.
    Seems a bit like you don't like it when anyone calls you out on your bullshît.

    Now come out me, insult me, give me all the rest of your really funny cool insults. Prove what a "purist you are.
    I don't normally do this but as you feel every single action you do in kaw needs to be documented, let's go for it.

    I've pinned you and called you out and you haven't once even given me a single scout/steal/ass back.

    You are supposed to be a farmer, I'm here sweetcheeks and open for you.

    For once back up your mouth instead of filling forums with your sputum and at least slightly fill my news feed,
    you are a great warrior right?
  2. Main Entry: spu·tum
    Pronunciation: \ˈspyü-təm, ˈspü-\
    Function: noun
    Inflected Form(s): plural spu·ta \-tə\
    Etymology: Latin, from neuter of sputus, past participle of spuere to spit — more at spew
    Date: circa 1693
    : expectorated matter especially from the air passages in diseases of the lungs, bronchi, or upper respiratory tract

    Yeah I had to look that one up lol 
  3. Who cares about hits.. Hits don't hurt anyone. Farmers are just people with too much time on their hands.
  4. 19/20/2 p:30
  5. Op is a dumb ****.
    Lel. You'll be forum banned so its not like you'll be able to reply.
  6. I don't see what your'e trying to prove with hits. Are you trying to say that you're better than me? Are you trying to say that you shouldn't be messed with?

    ...are you trying to find a way to spend your time because you have nothing else to spend your time on?
  7. You farmed someone who didnt support you and you are reminding me more and more of Alison :|

    Don't get me wrong ill support you in the farm cos it's about time she had a taste of her own Vile bad mouth crap...

    but really farming someone who didnt support you?
  8. Mmmmm 
  9. He even bypassed in his OP. What a beautiful mind. Now he'll get silenced and forum banned.
  10. I'm drunk and he was the first person to post against what I was saying.  happens
  11. Move one fuel the flamed, what the forums need are more statless alts to get a pair
  12. Nice one* damn ac -,-
  13. Devil_devastation - you are an idiot. You don't get silenced in game for something you post on forums.
  14. LoL Burn all they **** down deano!
  15. I usually post with my main but my mains device had an... "Accident".
  16. Same accident your balls had?
  17. As in failed to drop or be existent?
  18. What's your mains name big balls?
  19. We the Sanctuary Gang Do not support drinking am kawing (example: buying $100 of nobs... On the wrong account ) But we do support smoking medicine and kawing  (example: unloading fb in OSW and smoking and laughing and eating munchies then falling asleep for an hour and repeating the process. KAW ON
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