Discussion in 'Strategy' started by death-from-above, Jan 17, 2011.

    Please post on WC to go to Home>Forums>Strategy>noobs guide to KaW to help spread the word. Also post it to random ppls walls and ppls walls who ask for a hire.
    ALL NOOBS don't ask for hires there are way faster ways to get money which I will post below. If you want money at the start this is the fastest way to go.
    1.Post on wc to hire you. 1 TIME ONLY
    3.With that money hire 1 ally that costs around 2 million.
    4. Find 1 person (ONLY ONE) that has 20 million. Ask that person to help volley your one ally to 20 million. Tell him this "I keep not you" Whenever he hires your ally you hire him back.
    5.Sell your spy guild that you bought in tutorial. In its place buy a forge and upgrade it to lvl3
    6. Go to battle and find someone weaker than you. Attack them 2to4 times.
    7.With the money you made hire an ally with the money you have left
    8.Next find a plunder war
    If you want to go OSF then do all the steps above but when you say hire me on wc then include "I am going osf" when you have done all the steps above you hire around 1.5 billion dollars in allies. keep going to pwars until you have 1.5 billion in allies and have all lands except 2 or 3. with all forges. Then you convert one at a time to a lvl 3 guild. When you are at your last one DONT CHANGE IT LEAVE IT A FORGE. then find a pwar and attack the osf until you get around 500 million dollars. What you do with that money is simple. You go to supplies and buy as many of the CHEAPEST SPY DEFENCE POTS as you can. Then post on wc " I am an OSF looking for a Plunder War. You will join the OsF side and tell them when you are open. When you open you go to supplies and hit sell then space bar sell then space bar.
    One which you have already heard of but not known is a Plunder War. A Plunder War is where an OSF (Open spy farm) puts money out during the war for people to attack so they can get money to grow. Near the end of the War the attackers Forfeit the war so the OSF get wartax ( a little money taken for every hit in the war & winners get it spread out evenly) and get a little reward for what they did. The best way to find a pwar is to go to home>clan>active wars> and find one that one team is near 0 and other is way more.
    Wc- World Chat ( click on speech bubble then world ) with all ppl currently on Kaw
    CC- Clan chat ( click on speech bubble then world ) With all members of your clan currently on
    AC- Allie Chat ( Click on speech bubble then Allie ) With your hired allies and your owner.
    KaW- Kingdoms At war
    LB- Leader Board ( Click Home then Leader board ) Best players on KaW
    Pal- Palringo ( app in AppStore )
    Volley- ( hiring back and forth)
    Farming- DON'T DO ( hitting the same person more that 5x an hour
    Osf- Open Spy Farm ( described above )
    Pots- Potions ( Items from marketplace)
    LC- Land complete ( buying all lands )
    DTW- Defender too weak
    Devs- Ppl who made this app
    Stats- your bonus to allies ( on your profile )
    HC- health Crystal ( Buy at Oracle through marketplace )
    Nob- Nobilty Points
    Regen- To regain more spies/soldiers
    Lurking- Being In a chat room but not talking
    Strip- DON'T DO ( hire a persons allies then farm them )
  2. Re: NOOBIES GUIDE TO KAW-hunter

    Where are noobs gonna fund a pwar
  3. Re: NOOBIES GUIDE TO KAW-hunter

    I am osf and hosting one now if you want to join but the best way to find one is to go to clans active wars and look for one with one side near 0 and other a whole lot more
  4. Re: NOOBIES GUIDE TO KAW-hunter

  5. Re: NOOBIES GUIDE TO KAW-hunter

  6. Re: NOOBIES GUIDE TO KAW-hunter

  7. Re: NOOBIES GUIDE TO KAW-hunter

    Lulz lpmg post
  8. Re: NOOBIES GUIDE TO KAW-hunter

  9. Re: NOOBIES GUIDE TO KAW-hunter

  10. Re: NOOBIES GUIDE TO KAW-hunter

    Omg me 2
  11. Re: NOOBIES GUIDE TO KAW-hunter

  12. Re: NOOBIES GUIDE TO KAW-hunter

    All players that just started should read this once or twice. It would help em a lot.
  13. Re: NOOBIES GUIDE TO KAW-hunter

    It had good information it just wasn't put together well.
  14. Re: NOOBIES GUIDE TO KAW-hunter

    All us noobs need stuff like this, cheers hunter 
  15. Re: NOOBIES GUIDE TO KAW-hunter

    I agree with Murray this thing is awesome it can help a noob like me a lot. U needs to post about going hassle Orr osf on it.
  16. Re: NOOBIES GUIDE TO KAW-hunter

    Guys this dde is such a noob he has 99K spy stats and says hes an osf