Noob talk

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlIllllIIIlIlIIIllllllIIIIIIll, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. I'm a noob who wants to know everything there is to know about guild hansels. Like their plunder, whether it has changed and is it worth it. And if there are any threads that i can read, please leave links and lock this thread, thanks.
  2. You a alt ? New players don't make barcodes . Must be trolling
  3. I am, and im trying to see whether i should be a gh.
  4. And yes. A "new person" that knows how to use spells...get out
  5. :lol: You're not new.
  6. Im a noob at knowledge about ghs
  7. Guild Hansels are builds that have all guilds and one (or two) attack building(s). They make lots of gold. They arent worth it late in the game but for starting a new account they are nice as the gold they make can be very good with not much play time. I suggest doing the Forge strategy for growing up to 25 HLs, upgrading youe castle, convert to guild hansel an 1 T4 attack building, then buying at least 12 HLs and Castle L3 before converting back to attack build. Easy growing as a gh. Happy kawing