noob strategies

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Armageddon, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. Alright all moons I am death

    I created this forum page bcs I want to tell you about builds
    Attk builds make more money on end but spies come in handy in many ebs spys at 100k can pretty much hit any eh and is good for war/farming so some advise is start as war build and then change to Hansel if you want to war
    The for reading hoped it helped
  2. Noobs** dumb auto correct
  3. This is one of the worst threads I've ever seen. Get out of forums noob. Next time put more work into this also.
  4. If you have a problem with this guy please come to my newsfeed  he's trying to help people, constructive criticism is good, being a massive asshole is not 
  5. Why do people tell others to get out of forums? Do you WANT forums to come to practically a halt?
    If anything, encourage them to study how other, more successful forumers post, so they may learn and, in turn, better forums with their higher capabilities and intellect.
  6. First-there is already a guide for this
    Second-he knows nothing about what he's talking about
    Third-noobs like ruin the forums, plz improve your threads using bbs, it will help
  7. I bumped the "How to make a good thread" Op give it a read
  8. This is terrible advice of course I have a problem with it
  9. Improve your thread using bb codes? What an incredibly stupid suggestion. 5 y/o children enjoy colors, if it's a good thread it is a good thread. No amount of colors changes this.
  10. Good I look forward to seeing you in my feed.
  11. Worobey - I haven't seen you post anything in forums that is more useful than op is.

    No need to be so bloody rude. Op was probable just trying to be helpful
  12. Plural* Noobs autocorrect to Singular* noob? That's where you draw the line? Really? What about the rest?
  13. No dinner for the next week for you op! Mwouhahahahahahahahahah
  14. All of you guys are already past noob lvl so it doesn't matter to you just leave this thread
  15. Cool beans!