1. Ask for a volley 2. Buy 9 lands 3. Build a forge 4. Spend all your money on allies 5. Join a b2b ambush clan 6. Build a lot of guilds 7. Buy some more allies 8. Build some more guilds 9. Buy some more lands 10. Build a circle of elements. 11. Build some SoS 12. Buy some more allies 13. Explore more lands 14 upgrade your castle to lvl 3 15. Go equipment hunting 16. Build more SoS 17 buy more allies 18. Enchant all your equipment 19 make a clan 20. Buy more lands 21. Build more SoS 22. Buy more allies 23 Destroy all your buildings and drop your allies 24. Tell everyone your open for attacks and steals 25. Have fun
If you're going to make a guide for new players, don't write a guide based on your style of playing. You need to include many different factors that this game offers, and above all else, you need to be disruptive.
Terrible guide. Shouldve called it: "becoming a noob made easy!" Or "the 25 steps to becoming a noob!"