noob am not

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DarthVadersEmpirw, Jun 26, 2013.

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  1. Hello all, i apologise he still hits me he asked me to, i have done he asks and still hits me hmmm
  2. Noob stop spamming forums for your quest for attention
  3. Y u guys gotta be so cereal? Have some fun with it :D
  4. Like deadly wrote...
    Stop having cereal - start eating eggs and bacon...
  5. Always egg n bacon for breakfast for me and a side order of noob tears cant get enough of the stuff 
  6. If you want noob tears then let him cry ^_^
  7. It's the noobtears Op there hard to pass up on my advice is don't spam in forums about it.. Anyone recall a time this actually worked?
  8. Hmm good point deadly
    But he's not supplying me with the tears it's his farmer that's getting them :(
  9. Actually, alison kinda did it with clink. Different situation though.
  10. Lol Alison has got a huge stock pile of noob tears in her basement been trying to sneak in and get some of her stash but no luck so far
  11. I'm just realizing I know this guy see everything in forums godillest anything you wanna say to Vlad say it to me first
  12. Can't see everything*
  13. Noob you are
  14. Bloob bleep blop!!!
  15. @OP
    I might be wrong in assuming this, but I am pretty sure you posted this because you are losing. :D
  16. Illest you shut up I can juggle you that welcome guy or girl an eb...Here's ur link come at me bro. If I can hit welcome clanless you can get it to so knock off the tuff talk an break out the tuff actions...I'm WAITING...
  17. Great now the kwency noob is gonna have to make ANOTHER apology thread. This idiot just doesn't learn
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