
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by jdj_1970_, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. I have done numerous surveys and get tons of email from said surveys with no nobility awarded. My email is inundated with junk.
  2. Stop doing surveys unless your screenshotting your progression to prove you complete offers then email support with pics.
  3. I made 100 nobs in 30 minutes with a surveys on an iPhone. PS: Don't put your real email in...
  4. You're*
  5. I just did one and got 30 nobility.
  6. Cobra would you still like to be on my thread/petition?. You supported awhile ago but... ^^
  7. I have 10 of the offer things pending for about a week now I know what you mean.
  8. Do quests instead they have a higher chance of dropping nobs than that cancerous company

    1/96 quests drop nobs btw