So lately I've heard that you can do some I the same quests over and over and you get nobility points. I don't know if this is true or not but if it is can someone verify? Also it would be much appreciated if someone wrote what quests have a set drop for nobility points because I believe that is a thing as well. So if anyone knows any tricks to get nobility points please post in the comments if this is a thing, or tips Thank You -SaintChuck777
I have been quest farming for a while and I am getting 7 or more a day. Quest farming is extremely underrated. I spam the first quest and it uses less troops than a Warbeasts. I normally use 50 troops a hit(lowest amount of troops I can use on EB)on an EB but I use 43 a hit on the first quest. There r 2 reliable guides to quests I have seen on forums and the nob drops they say r different than eachother. One says the nob drop rate is .88% and the other 2%. I like to say that the drop rate is in between those somewhere. There r also EXTREMELY rare xtal drops. One of these guides said the drop is .022% the other he said he had no clue. That's all I got to say ;-) HAPPY QUEST FARMING :-D
Thing is for some reason I'm using like 1,000 soldiers each time is there a way to stop using so much???
You're using more troops because you have more troops (more troop buildings). Losing 50 troops per eb hit is the normal loss rate if you have a single troop building (so if you are a hansel). To minimize troop loss, grind the easiest quest.
You're not reading it right chuck. I have one lvl 3 coe. I have 1300 troops at full TOTAL. I use 50 a hit on an eb. But 43 on first quest. You have MORE THAN ONE attack building. You have MORE than 1300 troops. You use MORE than 50 on an eb because you have MORE buildings so more troops total so more used in every aspect. Same for spies. But EVERYONE uses the SAME percentage. There is no difference.
Back when I farmed xtalls doing resets this was a very viable option to growing and getting pro packs for free. Now the devs put an end to that I no longer see this being an endeavor worth the effort .
Obviously you don't get it chuck You are either very young and just can't bring yourself to understand, or stubborn and dumb. You should be at mtl (minimum troop loss) for the first quest. If you don't believe me, cast the 1 mith atk spell and try again. You can't go any lower than that, thats your equivalent to my 43, its the EXACT same thing there is NO DIFFERENCE