Nobility Points

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Lumidas, Apr 2, 2015.

  1. Hey forums,

    In your opinion, what's the best thing to spend 1000 nobility on? Just wondering.

    Thanks for the replies
  2. Umm all the pro packs and 1 seal. Rest crystals
  3. I forgot what the propacks cost in nobility because of me not having a droid, but:

    Buy all the propacks(if you don't have)

    And I'd put the rest into seals.

    Then go find a reputable clan that does 5-7 day passes.
  4. Thank you for your feedback, sucks that there aren't many options to put your points into.
  5. propacks and xtals.. or you could convert it to gold.. however you'd make more gold by using them for seals/horns
  6. Buy seals and come and drop them at b2bgold
  7. ^save it for we we don't want that crap here
  8. Don't buy seals, buy xtals and maybe 5-6 seals
  9. Don't buy seals but buy
  10. Logic