Nobility as Rewards!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -lIlIllEIlIIXllIIlOIDIlUIIlS-, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. Just like to suggest to Devs that Nobility should be included in the reward to any upcoming events. Since nobility can be exchange or be used in so many ways, (exchange for gold, troops regens, change name, exchange for seal, etc). Giving the players more options with his or her heart desires.
  2. To anyone who reads this thread please feel free to put a comments or support. thanks! =)
  3. I agree with kaw_admin because why ask for nobility points when Moose has given out a guide to limitless nobility points!
  4. No, just no.
  5. Spam quests for free nobs
  6. darklord,

    Your idea is along the same lines:

    This thread:

    Get FREE nobs for certain events

    Your thread:

    Get FREE nobs for doing certain ebs
  7. This lil fucker got some issues ⇧
  8. my thread is tellin u to work for ur nobs he wants nobs for events cuz he to lazy to farm quest im just thowing ideas out
  9. Your just throwing ideas out… basically you think about it for 2 seconds and throw it from your mind onto your phone/tablet/PC/AlienComputer.
  10. U really don't know how to shut up do u ⇧
  11. Lmao. Lol i read the thread and just see a comment of Kaw_Afmin with just "no" lmfao
  12. My suggestion: Moose's guide to infinite Nobs